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Lesson 4. 32. Read the words in columns paying attention to the reading of u

32. Read the words in columns paying attention to the reading of u.

U u

I тип II тип III тип IV тип
[ju:] duty student suit tulip union constitution [Λ] cup bucket bus but butter club [ə:] turn further turner church curly surface [juə] during curiosity cure cureless furious durability

33. Read the words.

subject, butter, dust, cute, turning, duralumin, lure, jurally, curtain, turning, curable, due, duress, surly, surfing, surf-board, surgeon.

34. Read and memorize the following words and expressions:

courageous – хоробрий chatter-box – бовтун

coward –боягуз faithful – вірний

tall – високий honest – чесний

short – низький cunning – хитрий

double-faced – дволикий staunch – зрадник

industrious – працелюбний thoughtfu l – турботливий

lazy – лінивий reliable – надійний

graceful – граціозний kind – добрий

attractive – привабливий cruel – жорстокий

good-looking – що має приємну зовнішність envious – завістливий

strong-wiled – вольовий cheerful – веселий

weak-wiled – слабовільний deceitful – брехливий

witty – кмітливий generous – щедрий

ill-bred – погано вихований nuisance – надокучливий

well-bred – добре вихований greedy – скупий

He is always in a good humour. – Він завжди в доброму гуморі.

What does he (she) look like? – Який він (вона) з себе?

She looks her age. – Вона виглядає на свій вік.

I have a high (low) opinion on him. – Я високої (поганої) думки про нього.

He is easy (hard) to get along with. – З ним легко (важко) порозумітися.

He is a man of (no) character. – Він людина з характером (безхарактерна).

35. Translate into English:

В кімнаті високий вродливий елегантний чоловік. Очі в нього блакитні, волосся темне, ніс прямий. Він виглядає років на 30. На його обличчі добра усмішка. Він у доброму гуморі.

36. Make up sentences:

1. Nose, his, straight, is. 2. She, hair, bobbed, her, wears. 3. It, hard, Nick, to get, is, along, with. 4. John, boy, frank, and, a, honest, is. 5. Is, he, humour, always, in, a, good. 6. child, naughty, Ann, a, very, is.

37. Choose from the following words those that characterize a good friend and a bad one.

Clever, well-bred, ill-bred, communicative, thoughtful, brave, reliable, envious, coward, honest, fair, deceitful, cunning, industrious, double-faced, kind, responsible, ignoble, faithless, generous, greedy, cruel, faithful, nuisance, chatter-box, staunch, gay, cheerful.

A good friend should be … A bad friend is …

A good friend shouldn’t be …

38. Answer the questions:

1. Who is your best friend? 2. Why is he/she? 3. What qualities do you look for in a friend? 4. Do you have the same qualities in you? 5. Who was your first friend at school? 6. Is he/she still your friend? 7. What is easier – to find a friend or to be one? 8. Is it easier to break up a relationship in a senior or junior age? 9. Do you think it would be difficult for you to be a real friend for the whole life? 10. What is your favorite topic for discussion?

39. Read the statements and say if they are true or false for you and your life principles.

1. School friendship won’t last long.

2. Friendship between opposite sexes is impossible.

3. Friendship changes the characters of the friends.

40. Read an extract below and talk to your partner about it.

A friendship very often begins as an ideal relationship between two or more children (and adults as well). They read books about friendship, their parents and relatives tell them stories about it, and they come to realize it’s something extremely valuable and worth searching for. However, within some time they begin to understand friendship needs a real commitment, trust and other features they don’t have. Then the ‘friends’ face the fact – to be friends they have to fight more than one battle and hold the defensive line during all their lives…

41. Open the brackets. Mind degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs (Consult §6)

1. He is (tall) than his father is. 2. My grandfather is 5 years (old) than my grandmother is. 3. Are you (young) than me? 4. Who is your (good) friend? 5. Janet is (pretty) of all. 6. Is your friend as (witty) as you? 7. (Old) he grew (wise) he became. 8. She will get (thin) when she gets (old).

42. Change the sentences according to the model using the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison of adjectives:

Model: My father is tall.

My brother is taller.

My brother’s friend is the tallest of all.

1. Michel’s brother is strong. 2. Jane is pretty. 3. My mother’s smile is pleasant. 4. Ann’s eyes are expressive. 5. Your eyelashes are thick. 6. Mr. Brown is handsome.

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