Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã Ãëàâíàÿ | Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà | Êîíòàêòû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!  

Admit avoid ignore introduce invest improve respond

A recruitment firm gives this advice to new workers: It is important to --- time in your relationships with others at work. Get to know the people who work near you: -- - yourself to them and tell them something about yourself. If people ask for your help, always positively. Don't ---- emails or phone calls just because you are busy. If you make a mistake, it is better to ----it and then apologise. When things go wrong, stay calm and ----- shouting and using bad language. Remember, good manners help to ----- your working environment, and you will find you can enjoy your work more.


Elizabeth works for a.computer company. At first, she liked the job and believed that she could do it well. But now she has a problem: her team leader.Valrna, is a bully. Valrna seems to dislike Elizabeth. She always finds problems; with her work. If Elizabeth makes a small mistake, she shouts at her in front of her, colleagues: 'What's wrong with you? Are you stupid'?' She doesn't talk to the other team members in this way. She gives! Elizabeth all

'the most boring and difficult tasks to do. Elizabeth wants to go on a training course. She wants to specialise and be able to do more interesting work. But Valma always finds a reason to stop her. She tells her she has no ability. Elizabeth feels tired and stressed. She is starting to believe that she really is stupid. What should Elizabeth do?

She has four options:

· talk to her colleagues about it

· talk to Valma herself

· report the bullying to a senior manager in the company

· leave the job


'To:find a.good solution, it is helpful to understand why 'someone is a bully. There are three main types of bully. Read about one of these types. Work in three groups. Group A turn to page: 141. Group B turn to page 143. Group C turn to page, 144.


Form groups:of three; one person from each group, A, B C above. Take turns to describe one type of bully to your,parthers, Which description do you think best matches Valma? Using the information about this type of bully, decide on the best option for Elizabeth. Of course, she can try more than one option, But which one iis: hot such a good solution? Why'?



My working day

I am an ordinary school-leaver. This spring I finish school. I want to finish school with good and excellent marks. I understand that I must work very hard. So, I have to plan daily round very carefully in order to be able to do more in less time.

My parents gave me a day–planner for my birthday as a present it is really very helpful. In my day-planner I write down my programme for a day, a week and even a month ahead, all my meetings and appointments and the most important things for the future.

I set up a few goals, as to take part in the centralized testing in the Russian language and Mathematics. In fact, I have a lot of work to do, I must be well-organized.

Here’s a picture of what I usually do on weekdays.

My working day begins very early. I get up at 6.30 a.m. and in any weather I run out for a round of jogging in the nearest park. Then I go to the bathroom to take a cold shower. After that, I have very substantial, almost English breakfast: some cornflakes, eggs, and bacon, toasts with butter and marmalade and a cup of white coffee.

Then I walk to school as my school is near my house and it takes me only 15 minutes to get there.

I am never late for my classes and always come to school in time.

Every day I have 6 or 7 lessons till 2 o’clock p.m. I have lunch at the canteen. I often stay at school after lessons. I am a member of two clubs. Many interesting people come to us. Many interesting people come to us. We listen to interesting lectures and take part in the discussions on the problems which are interesting for schoolchildren. I am also keen on sports. I go in for tennis and swimming.

I come home in the afternoon, have dinner and after a short rest do my homework. Usually I do it at home or sometimes go to the library.

At about 9 p.m. I am through with my sums, exercises and compositions. On weekdays I never go out. I just relax or enjoy quiet evening with my best friend or with my family. We watch TV, look through newspapers, play computer games, listen to the music. Sometimes I write letters to my friends.

I go to bed at 11 p.m.


Óïðàæíåíèå 1

Çàäàéòå è íàïèøèòå âîïðîñû ïî òåêñòó. Äëÿ ýòîãî âîñïîëüçóéòåñü ïîäñêàçêàìè, ïîñëå ÷åãî ïåðåñêàæèòå òåêñò.

1. Are…a …?

2. When … … … school?

3. Why… you… hard?

4. What … …goals?

5. How do …your …day?

6. Have … … a …?

7. When … your … begin?

8. What … you … every …?

9. Do … take … shower every …?

10. What … … for?

11. Is your … far from … …?

12. How many … … … day?

13. Why … … stay at …?

14. What … your interests?

15. When … you … home?

16. How much time … … … you to … … …?

17. What … you … in … … on…?

18. What time … … go … …?

Óïðàæíåíèå 2

Îçíàêîìüòåñü ñ äàííûìè íàçâàíèÿìè ïðåäìåòîâ è âèäîâ äåÿòåëüíîñòè, à çàòåì ïîäáåðèòå ê íèì ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèå îïèñàíèÿ.

1. alarm-clock 2. school 3. test 4. homework

5. lesson 6. library 7. textbook 8. dictionary

9. encyclopedia 10. TV educational programme

a. book which lists words in alphabetical order, giving their meanings or translations.

b. Reference book which gives facts about things, people and events

c. Programmes referring to education, teaching or school

d. Place where books are stored to be read, borrowed or consulted

e. Book which students read for information about the subject they are studying

f. Place for teaching children

g. Clock which rings at a certain time to wake you up

h. Examination to find out how much someone knows

i. Period of time in school during which you are taught

j. Work which children take from school to be done at home

Óïðàæíåíèå 3

Âñòàâüòå ïðåäëîãè, âûáðàâ èõ èç ðÿäà ïðåäëîæåííûõ, è çàïîëíèòå ïðîïóñêè â ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ.

a) after b) to c) on d) by e) at f) about g) in h) through

1. It takes me twenty minutes to get … school … foot.

2. … my leisure time I enjoy looking … magazines and watching Animal Planet programme.

3. I never stop working … my favourite subject

4. … classes we usually discuss the problems we are interested ….

5. … a quarter to 8, I leave home and go … school.

6. I am keen … tennis and reading books … the history of my country.

7. Sometimes if I have spare time I go … the cinema or theatre.

8. I usually return home very tired … classes so I take a short rest and then do my homework.

9. When I have enough time, I help my mother … the house.

10. … 9 p.m. I have my homework done. I relax or visit my best friend.

Àóäèðîâàíèå: «Around the Clock with Bob Ellis» è âûïîëíèòü çàäàíèå.

Enterprise 1, page 34, ex.2, coursebook

Around the Clock with Bob Ellis

Bob Ellis, 29, is a dolphin trainer. “I like my job a lot because I love working with animals. It is tiring though, as I work long hours”, he says.

Bob is an early bird. His day starts at five o`clock in the morning. He gets up, has a shower, and then he gets dressed. After breakfast, at about six o`clock, he catches the bus to work. He arrives at the aquarium at half past six and feeds the dolphins. After that, they practice for the show until lunch-time/ Bob has a break for lunch from half past twelve till half past one, then the show starts. At five o`clock in the afternoon, he feeds the dolphins again and then he goes home. In the evening, Bob usually watches TV. He doesn`t go out very often during the week because he goes to bed early.

And what does Bob do in his free time? He loves going for long walks in the countryside with his dog, Jack. Bob also likes swimming at the pool, but he never swims at the sea because he`s afraid of sharks!

“I feel very satisfied with my life at the moment,” says Bob. “I`ve got a great job and I enjoy my free time. Who could ask for more?”


Read the sentences about Bob Ellis, then listen and write T (for true) or F (for false)

1. “I like my job a lot” (T/F)

2. “I work long hours” (T/F)

3. His day starts at six o`clock in the morning. (T/F)

4. He catches the train to work (T/F)

5. In the evening, Bob usually watches TV. (T/F)

6. He loves going for long walks in the countryside. (T/F)

Ex. 3

Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Does Bob like his job? Why?

2. Why is his job tiring?

3. What does Bob do in the evening?

4. What does Bob do in his free time?

5. How does Bob feel about his life?

6. What tense do we use to describe daily routines?


(Â. Å. Áåðíèêîâà, Àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê: áàçîâûé êóðñ. Ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå – Ì.: Èçäàòåëüñòâî ÓÐÀÎ, 2003, 184 ñ.)

Part-time Job, full-time benefit.

Can you convince your employer to cut your hours? Part-time people earn less, but many are more committed and content than nine-to-five colleagues.

The phrase “part-time job” doesn`t usually create an image of career-minded City professional. A more likely picture is that of a receptionist or shop assistant, squeezing in a bit of handy local work while the kids are at school. When women take their maternity leave, it`s rather hard for them to return to work a year later. They need to spend time with their baby and therefore decide that working three or four days a week would be ideal. If their business plan is approved, they may return to the job on new terms, with the same salary and holydays as before, but pro rata. Having Friday off is great for going away at the weekend.

In some companies you don`t have to be a mother to request flexible hours. A bank, for example, isn`t interested in your reasons – you just have to show that your work will not suffer. Some people go part time in order to look after elderly parents, or to pursue hobbies or an outside interest. Others simply want to shift the balance of their daily routine, so they work early mornings or late nights, instead of the standard nine to five. Anyone choosing to exchange a full-time job for a part-time one knows that fewer hours will mean less pay. But a new law says part-timers enjoy the same employment rights (for holydays, sick pay etc.) as those who work full time. Proportionally, your salary should be the same, as should your holydays. Sounds good, right?

Being happy at work makes us more productive and reduces stress – the biggest cause of sick leave. Some 96 per cent of part-time stuff outperform their full-time colleagues, and 70 per cent of people in job shares are a third more productive, as they can manage their working hours.

In the future few of us will be tied to nine-to-five jobs. Whether we are doctors, lawyers or junior clerical stuff, we will choose the hours we work. We live in a world where people need services 24 hours a day, seven days a week – banks, shops and other services all need staff who can work around the clock.

New technology also means that “a day in the office” can just as easily be spent at home, in the car or even in another country. All you need is a modem and a mobile phone. So work can really be about what you do, and not just where you go.

Benefits for employers include less absenteeism and greater loyalty from staff. For example, part-time workers tend to fit things like dental appointments into days they are not working.

The point is, once you`ve found a job you like with the hours you want, you`ll do anything to keep it. That`s why flexible workers are usually far more committed, loyal and motivated than full-time employees.

Â. Å. Áåðíèêîâà, Àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê: áàçîâûé êóðñ. Ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå – Ì.: Èçäàòåëüñòâî ÓÐÀÎ, 2003, 184 ñ.)


Convince, employer, part-time, full-time, career-minded, receptionist, shop assistant, maternity leave, approve, on new terms, salary, pro rata, flexible hours, outside interest, employment rights, sick leave, outperform, benefits, employees, to take time off, to fit things.

Ex. 1

Answer the questions:

1. Who can cut your hours?

2. What does “part-time job” means?

3. Can a City professional work part-time?

4. When do young mothers usually work?

5. Why do women decide to work part-time?

6. What is really good about working part-time?

7. What are the most common reasons for part-time jobs?

8. In what way the law protect part-timers?

9. When are people more productive in their work?

10. What figures can illustrate the productivity of part-timers?

11. What world do we live in?

12. Why are employees interested in part-timers?

13. How can people fit their daily things?

Ex. 2

End the following sentences

1. A city professional is…

2. Handy local work is…

3. Working three days a week is…

4. Having Friday off is…

5. You can request flexible hours….

6. Some people like part-time work because…

7. To work early mornings is…

8. Employment rights are…

9. Being happy at work is…

10. In the future I would like to…

11. I understand benefits as…

Ex. 3

Find in the text following words and expressions:

Ïî çàêîíó; ïîâñåäíåâíûå äåëà; ðàáîòíèêè ïî ãèáêîìó ãðàôèêó; äåëî â òîì, ÷òî…; ãîðàçäî áîëåå ïðåäàííû; ÷èíîâíèêè íèçøåãî çâåíà; ñíèæàåò ñòðåññ; õîðîøî çâó÷èò; ïîëüçóåòñÿ òåìè æå òðóäîâûìè ïðàâèëàìè; í6à íîâûõ óñëîâèÿõ; íå ïîñòðàäàåò; ïðèñìàòðèâàòü, óõàæèâàòü çà…; çàðàáàòûâàþò ìåíüøå; èì äîâîëüíî òðóäíî.


Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-11-03; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 1545 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

studopedia.org - Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã - 2014-2024 ãîä. Ñòóäîïåäèÿ íå ÿâëÿåòñÿ àâòîðîì ìàòåðèàëîâ, êîòîðûå ðàçìåùåíû. Íî ïðåäîñòàâëÿåò âîçìîæíîñòü áåñïëàòíîãî èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ (0.017 ñ)...