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Now listen to Iulia, Sam, Andy, and Trisha describing their jobs. Number the jobs in the table in 1 in the order yon hear them

Listen again and complete the sentences below with the phrases in the box. All the phrases describe responsibilities. Change the verb forms as necessary.

KEY PHRASES: be responsible for, deal with, take care of, be in charge of, make sure, report to

JULIA: We have offices in a lot of countries, so, often I only have to arrange the shipping. When there is no local office, I......... marketing our products and packaging them, as well as arranging shipping – everything really.

SAM: I........doing the department’s accounts, and I often have to present accounting reports. I.......the Chief Accountant.

ANDY: I report to the Purchasing Manager. I........finding the goods we need like computers, printers, etc. And getting a good price for them. I also.......the suppliers deliver on time.

TRISHA: I work part-time at the reception so mainly I have to pass the incoming calls to the company, then I receive visitors with appointments and I also........general enquiries by phone or by customers actually coming to the company- there are a lot of those- you’d be surprised.


PAST SIMPLE: regular and irregular verbs

Past simple: regular and irregular verbs

Work in pairs and discuss what you know about Ford and its history. Now read the magazine article.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 734 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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