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Exercise 2 d), which is for translation from Ukrainian into English, may be found in the Supplementary (at the end of the book)

2 e) Match the words from Students’ Vocabulary (Ex. 2 a)) with their possible definitions. E.g.: 1) applicant® h) a person who applies, as for a job, grant, support, etc.; candidate
1)applicant a)formal or official recording of students’ attendance and marks
2)freshman b)a student doing post-graduate studies
3)sophomore c)a pupil who assists a teacher in routine duties and controls students’ attendance
4)junior d)a student in the fourth year of high school or college
5)admissions office e)a college or university student who has not yet received a bachelor's or similar degree
6)senior f)in European countries – the department, that works with high school students and their families to develop a high school career and application strategy that positions them for the best colleges in the world
7)undergraduate g)a student in the third year of a U.S. high school or college
8)group monitor h)a person who applies, as for a job, grant, support, etc.; candidate
9)graduate i)a second-year student in a U.S. college
10)post-graduate j)a student in the first-year class of a high school, college, or university
11)register k)one who has received an academic degree or diploma

F) Complete the following sentences with the translation of the words and word combinations from the brackets. All of them were used in previous exercises. The example was done for you.

E.g.: School-leavers, who want to ente r (вступити до університету), have to hand in (здати) some papers to the admissions office (до приймальної комісії). 1. A lot of seniors often ____________________________ (працюють за спеціальністю). 2. ___________________ (аспіранти) are the best graduates, left at the university __________________ (щоб продовжити) their _______________ (науково-дослідну роботу) resulting in ________________________ (дисертація). 3. PoltNTU’s ___________ (випускники) are valued ___________ (по всій) the Ukraine and have more chances to find work, than graduates of _________________________ (інших технічних університетів). 4. ___________________ (наскільки мені відомо), juniors _________________ (проходять) practical training at ____________________ (підприємствах), plants and factories. 5. ______________ (журнал групи) – is a formal or official ___________________ (регістрація) of students’ ___________________ (відвідуваності) and marks. 6. A ________________________ (першокурсник) often listens to a number of _______________________ (загальноосвітніх курсів), delivered at all the universities of Ukraine, such as the Ukrainian language, __________________ (філософія), the History of Ukraine, ______________ (соціологія) and etc. 7. ____________________ (староста) – is a _____________ (студент) who ____________________ (допомагає) a teacher in routine duties and _________________ (контролює) students’ attendance. 8. It is rather difficult for _______________ (випускників шкіл) to choose which university to enter. 9. _______________ (вступники) usually visit different ______________________ (профільні курси) at the basis of the university, _________________________ (до якого вони хочуть вступити). 10. Freshmen rarely ____________________ (прогулюють), because they _____________ (хвилюються через) their marks. 11. __________________ (аспірант) is a student doing post-graduate studies. 12. __________________ (другокурсники) in _______________________________ (Полтавському національному технічному університеті) listen to lectures mostly on ____________________________ (технічних наук). 13. Seniors of PoltNTU often work, as they have much time to write their _____________________ (дипломні роботи) and do not need to ________________ (відвідувати) a lot of lectures. 14. _____________________ (вступник) is a person, a _________________ (кандидат), who _______________ (подає заявку), as for a job, grant, support, etc. 15. _______________________ (деканат) appoints group monitors _______________ (на початку) of each ____________________ (навчального року). 16. A group monitor ______________ (зберігає) the register, as it’s a very ___________ (важливий) document, that _______________ (підтверджує) classroom attendance. 17. Applicants _______________ (зазвичай) hand in their documents to ____________ (декількох) universities _____________ (одразу, одночасно). 18. Undergraduates usually undergo their _______________ (практику) _______________ (або) at the university laboratories, _________ (або) at enterprises, plants, factories, ______________________ (спільних підприємствах). 19. Undergraduates _________________________ (здають екзамени) at the end of each term.

2. g) Unjumble some words from Students’ Vocabulary.

E.g.: iansodisms ficofe ® admissions office

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