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Введение 2 страница. Цветков Г. Н. Политика США в отношении СССР накануне второй мировой войны

Цветков Г. Н. Политика США в отношении СССР накануне второй мировой войны.
Киев, 1973.

Шервуд Р. Рузвельт и Гопкинс: Глазами очевидца. М., 1958. Т. 1, 2.

Шерман Ф. С. Американские авианосцы в войне на Тихом океане. М., 1956.

Шириня К. К. Стратегия и тактика Коминтерна в борьбе против фашизма и войны
(1934—1939 гг.). М., 1979.

Шкундин М. 3. К истории государственно-монополистической социальной политики
США, 1929—1939. М., 1980.

Шлепаков А. Н. Иммиграция и американский рабочий класс в эпоху империализма.
М.. 1966.

Шнеерсон Г. Портреты американских композиторов. М., 1977.

Эрман Дж. Большая стратегия, август 1943 — сентябрь 1944. М., 1958.

Язьков Е. Ф. Фермерское движение в США (1918—1929 гг.). М., 1974.

Язъкова А. А. Малая Антанта в европейской политике. М., 1974.

Яковлев Н. Н. Новейшая история США, 1917—1960. М., 1961.

Яковлев Н. Н. Франклин Рузвельт — человек и политик. М., 1969.

Яковлев Н. Н. Преступившие грань. М.. 1970.

Янчук И. И. Политика США в Латинской Америке (1939—1945). М., 1975.

Янчук И. И. Политика США в Латинской Америке, 1918—1928. М., 1982.

Adams H. H. Harry Hopkins. A Biography. N. Y., 1977.

Adler S. The Isolationist Impulse. Its Twentieth Century Reaction. N. Y., 1957.

Alinsky S. John L. Lewis. An Unauthorized Biography. N. Y., 1949.

Allen F. Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the Nineteen-Twenties. N. Y., 1959.

Allen R. S., Shannon W. V. The Truman Merry-go-Round. N. Y., 1950.

Alsop J., Kintner R. American White Paper. The Story of American Diplomacy and
the Second World War... N. Y., 1940.

Alsop J. FDR, 1882—1945: The Life and Times of Franklin D. Roosevelt. L., 1982.

American Civil-Military Decisions. A Book of Case Studies/Ed. by H. Stein. Birmme-
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American Foreign Relations. A Historiographical Review / Ed. by G. Haines, J Walker
Westport (Conn.), 1981.

American Painting, 1900—1970. N. Y., 1970.

Andersen K. The Creation of a Democratic Majority, 1928—1936. Chicago, 1979.

Antidemocratic Trends in Twentieth Century America/Ed. by R. L. Delorme
R. G. Mclnnis. Reding (Mass.), 1969.

Ash R. Social Movement in America. Chicago, 1972.

Atwater E. American Regulation of Arms Exports. Wash., 1941.

Baker L. Back to Back. The Duel between FDR and the Supreme Court. N. Y., 1967.

Baker R. The American Legion and American Foreign Policy. N. Y., 1954.

Bartlett R. J. The League to Enforce Peace. Chapel Hill, 1944.

Bates J. L. The United States, 1898—1928. Progressivism and a Society in Transition
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Bateson Ch. The War with Japan. A Concise History. Sydney; London, 1968.

Beard Ch. A. The Idea of National Interest: Analythical Study in American Foreign
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Beard Ch. A. A Foreign Policy for America. N. Y., 1940.

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Beard Ch. A., Beard M. R. America in Midpassage: Vol. 1—3. N. Y., 1939.

Beard Ch. A., Smith G. H. E. The Open Door at Home. A Trial Philosophy of National
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Behereendt R. F. Inter-American Relations. Problems and Prospects. N. Y., 1948.

Be mis S. F. The Latin American Policy of the United States: A Historical Interpreta-
tion. N. Y., 1967.

Bennett D. H. Demagogues in the Depression. New Brunswick, 1969.

Berle A. A., Means G. С The Modern Corporation and Private Property... N. Y., 1934.

Bernstein I. The New Deal Collective Bargaining Policy. Berkeley, 1950.

Bernstein I. The Lean Years: A History of the American Worker, 1920—1933. Boston,

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Betten N. Catholic Activism and the Industrial Worker. Gainesville, 1976.

Black Leaders of the Twentieth Century/Ed. by J. Franklin, A. Meier. Urbana, 1982.

Blake F. M. The Strike in the American Novel. Metuchen (N. J.), 1972.

Borg D. The United States and the Far Eastern Crisis of 1933—1938: From the Manchu-
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Bradley O. A Soldier's Story. N. Y., 1951.

Blegen T. Minnesota. A History of the State. Minneapolis, 1963.

Brecher J. Strike! Greenwich (Conn.), 1974.

Brody D. Steelworkers in America. The Nonunion Era. N. Y., 1960.

Brody D. Workers in Industrial America: Essays on the Twentieth Century Struggle.
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Brooks R. R. R. When Labor Organizes... New Haven, 1937.

Brooks Th. R. Toil and Trouble! A History of American Labor. N. Y., 1971.

Brown J. E. Russia Fights. N. Y., 1943.

Bruce A. Non-Partisan League. N. Y., 1921.

Bruner J. S. Mandate from the People. N. Y., 1944.

Bryson Th. A. American Diplomatic Relations with the Middle East, 1784—1975: A Sur-
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Burner D. The Politics of Provincialism: The Democratic Party in Transition, 1918—

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Burns J. M. Roosevelt: The Soldier of Freedom. N. Y., 1970.

Burton R. E. Democrats of Oregon. The Pattern of Minority Politics, 1900—1956. Euge-
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Camp L. S. de. The Great Monkey Trial. Garden City (N. Y.), 1968.

Carr A. America's Last Chance. N. Y., 1940.

Carter H. The New Theatre and Cinema of Soviet Russia... N. Y., 1925.



Carver T. The Present Economic Revolution in the United States. Boston. 1926.

Chadwin 31. L. The Hawks of World War II. Chappel Hill (N. C), 1968.

Chambers С A. California Farm Organizations: A Historical Study of the Grande, the
Farm Bureaus and the Associated Farmers 1929—1941. Berkeley; Los Angeles, 1952.

Chandler L. America's Greatest Depression, 1929—1941. N. Y., 1970.

Change and Continuity in Twentieth-Century America: The 1920's/Ed. by J. Braeman,
R. Bremner, D. Brody. N. Y., 1969.

Chase St. A. New Deal. N. Y., 1932.

Chat field Ch. For Peace and Justice. Pacifism in America, 1914—1941. Knoxville, 1971.

Christie R. A. Empire in Wood: A History of the Carpenters' Union. Ithaca, 1956.

Clarke R. Anglo-American Economic Colaboration in War and Peace, 1942—1949. Ox-
ford, 1982.

Cole W. America First: The Battle Against Intervention, 1940—1941. N. Y., 1971.
Cole W. Roosevelt and the Isolationists, 1932—45. Linkoln, 1983.

Cole W. S. Senator Gerald P. Nye and American Foreign Relations. Minneapolis, 1962.
Common Sense Neutrality. Mobilizing for Peace/Ed. by P. С French. N. Y., 1939.
Conrad D. F. The Forgotten Farmers: The Story of Sharecroppers in the New Deal. Ur-
bana, 1965.

Cremin L. A. The Transformation of the School. Progressivism in American Education,
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Crocker G. N. Roosevelt's Road to Russia. N. Y., 1975.

Cronon E. D. Black Moses. The Story of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Impro-
vement Association. Madison (Wis.), 1969.

Curti M. Peace or War. The American Struggle, 1636—1936. N. Y., 1936.

Curti M. The Social Ideas of American Educators. Totowa, 1966.

Dallek R. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932—1945. N. Y., 1979.

David R. Schools and the Crisis. N. Y., 1934.

Dawson R. The Decision to Aid Russia, 1941: Foreign Policy and Domestic Politics.

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Decohurst J. America's Neads and Resources. N. Y., 1955.

Derber M. The American Idea of Industrial Democracy, 1865—1965. Urbana (111.), 1970.
Divine R. A. The Illusion of Neutrality. Chicago, 1962.
Divine R. A. The Reluctant Belligerent: American Entry into World War II. N. Y.,


Dorman M. Witch Hunt. The Underside of American Democracy. N. Y., 1976.

Drummond D. F. The Passing of American Neutrality, 1937—1941. "Ann Arbor, 1955.

Dupree A. H. Science in the Federal Government. A History of Policies and Activities
to 1940. N. Y., 1964.

Eby F. The Development of Modern Education in Theory, Organization and Practice.
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Edwards N., Richer/ H. G. The School in the American Social Order: The Dynamics of
American Education. N. Y.. 1947.

Eliot O. Three Hundred Years of American Painting. N. Y., 1957.

Ellis L. E., Frank B. Kellogg and American Foreign Relations, 1925—1929. New Bruns-
wick (N. J.), 1961.

Ellis L. E. Republican Foreign Policy, 1921—1933. New Brunswick (N. J.), 1968.

Engelbrecht H. C, Hainigen F. C. Merchants of Death: A Study of the International Ar-
mament Industry. N. Y., 1934.

Eudin X., Fisher H. H. Soviet Russia and the West, 1920—1927: A Documentary Survey.
Stanford, 1957.

Eudin X.. North R. С Soviet Russia and the East, 1920—1927: A Documentary Survey.
Stanford, 1957.

Farley J. A. Behind the Ballots. The Personal History of a Politican... N. Y., 1938.

Famsworth B. William С Bullitt and the Soviet Union. Bloomington, 1967.

Fass P. S. The Damned and the Beautiful: American Youth in the 1920's. Oxford, 1979.

Faulkner H. American Political and Social History. N. Y., 1938.

Faulkner H. American Economic History. 5th ed. N. Y.: L., 1943.

Feinman R. Twilight of Progressivism: The Western Republican Senators and the New

Deal. Baltimore, 1981.
Feis H. The Sinews of Peace. N. Y., 1944.
Feis H. The Road to Pearl Harbor. The Coming of the War Between the United States

and Jppan. Princeton, 1950.

Feis H. Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin: The War they Waged and the Peace they Sought.
Princeton, 1970.

Fenwick Ch. G. American Neutrality. Trial and Failure. N. Y., 1940.

Ferrell R. H. American Diplomacy in the Great Depression. Hoover — Stimson Foreign
Policy, 1929—1933. New Haven, 1957.

Field H. American Public Opinion and Foreign Policy. N. Y., 1945.

Fine N. Labor and Farmer Parties in the United States, 1828—1928. N. Y., 1961

Fine S. Sit-Down: The General Motors Strike of 1936—1937. Ann Arbor, 1969.

File G. Peter Norbeck: Prairie Statesman. Columbia (Mo), 1948.

Fite G. American Farmers: The New Minority. Bloomington, 1981.

Foner Ph. S. The Fur and Leather Workers Union: A Story of Dramatic Struggles and
Achievements. Newark, 1950.

Foner Ph. S. Organized Labor and the Black Worker, 1619—1973. 2nd ed. N. Y., 1978.

Foster W. The Great Steel Strike and Its Lessons. N. Y., 1920.

Foster W. Z. Pages of Worker's Life... N. Y., 1939.

Foster W. Z. American Trade Unionism: Principles and Organization, Strategy and Tac-
tics. N. Y., 1947.

Foster W. Z. History of the Communist Party of the United States. N. Y., 1952.

Frank G. America's Hour of Decision. Crisis Points in National Policy. N. Y., 1934.

Franklin J. From Slavery to Freedom: A History of American Negroes. 2nd ed. N. Y.,

Friedheim R. L. The Seattle General Strike. Seattle, 1964.

Freidel F. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Launching the New Deal. Boston, 1973.

Frye A. Nazi Germany and the American Hemisphere, 1933—1941. New Haven; London,

Furnas J. Ch. Great Times. A Informal Social History of the United States, 1914—1929.
N. Y., 1974.

Galenson W. The CIO Challenge to the AFL: A History of the American Labor Move-
ment, 1935—1941. Cambridge (Mass.), 1960.

Galenson W. Rival Unionism in the United States. N. Y., 1966.

Garraty J. A. Henry Cabot Lodge: A Biography. N. Y., 1953.

Garson R. A. The Democratic Party and the Politics of Sectionalism, 1941—1948. Baton
Rouge, 1974.

George A., George J. Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House. A Personality Study. N. Y.,


Gold M. Mike Gold: A Literary Anthology / Ed. by M. Forsom. N. Y., 1972.

Goodman W. The Committee. The Extraordinary Career of the House Committee on
Un-American Activities. N. Y.. 1968.

Green G. The Enemy Forgotten. N. Y., 1956.

Green J. R. Grass-Roots Socialism: Radical Movement in the South-west, 1895—1943.
Baton Rouge (La), 1980.

Greenberg D. S. The Politics of Pure Science. N. Y., 1969.

Greenway J. American Folksongs of Protest. N. Y., 1953.

Greer Th. What Roosevelt Thought. The Social and Political Ideas of Franklin D. Roo-
sevelt. East Lansing (Mich), 1958.

Gross J. The Making of the National Labor Relations Board (1933—1937). Albany, 1974.

Grossman J. The Department of Labor. N. Y., 1973.

Hacker J. Franklin D. Roosevelt. N. Y., 1983.

Harris B. The United States and the Italo-Ephiopian Crisis. Stanford (Cal.), 1964.

Harris H. Labor's Civil War. N. Y., 1940.

Harris H. American Labor. New Haven, 1941.

Harris W. H. Keeping the Faith. A. Philip Randolph, Milton P. Webster and the Brother-
hood of Sleeping Car Porters, 1925—1937. Urbana, 1977.

Harrison G. A. Cross-Channel Attack. Wash., 1951.

Hartley L. Is America Afraid? A Foreign Policy for America. N. Y., 1937.

Haskell E. Stabilization Operations of the Federal Farm Board. N. Y., 1933.

Hatch A. Franklin D. Roosevelt: An Informal Biography. N. Y., 1947.

Hauptman L. The Iroquois and the New Deal. Syracuse, 1981.

Hawley E. W. The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly. A Study in Economic Ambi-
valence. Princeton, 1966.

Hevener J. W. Which Side are You on?: The Harlan Country Coal Miners, 1931—1939.
Urbana, 1978.

Hicks J. D. The American Nation. A History of the United States from 1865 to the Pre-
sent. Cambridge (Mass.), 1955.

Hicks J. D. Republican Ascendancy. 1921—1933. N. Y., 1963.

Higgins T. Winston Churchill and"the Second Front, 1940—1943. N. Y., 1957.



Hillquit M. Loose Leaves from a Busy Life... N. Y., 1934.

Hofstadter R. The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It. N. Y., 1948.

Hofstadter R. The Age of Reform. From Bryan to FDR. N. Y., 1956.

Holley I. B. Buying Aircraft: Material Procurement for the Army Air Forces. Wash.,

Honde A. de. Herbert's Latin American Policy. Stanford, 1951.

Hoover H. The Challenge to Liberty. N. Y., 1934.

Horowitz R. L. Political Ideologies of Organized Labor. The New Deal Era. New Bruns-
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Howard D. S. The WPA and Federal Relief Policy. N. Y., 1943.

Howe G. North-west Africa: Seizing the Initiative in the West. Wash., 1957.

Huckshom R. J. Political Parties in America. North Scituate (Mass.), 1980.

Industrial Arts: Its Interpretation in American Schools. Wash., 1938.

Jamieson S. Labor Unionism in American Agriculture. Wash., 1945.

Jensen V. H. Heritage of Conflict. Labor Relations in the Nonferrous Metals Industry
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Johnson W. The Battle Against Isolation. Chicago, 1944.

Johnson W. William Allen Whites America. N. Y., 1947.

Johnston E. America Unlimited. Garden City (N. Y.), 1944.

Jones R. The Roads to Russia. United States Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union. Norman,

Joyner C. The Republican Dilemma: Conservatism or Progressivism. Tuscon (Arizona),

Kampelman M. The Communist Party Vs the CIO. A Study in Power Politics. N. Y.,


Kane H. T. Louisiana Hayride. The American Rehearsal for Dictatorship, 1928—1940.
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Keeran R. The Communist Party and the Auto Workers Unions. Bloomington, 1980.

Kennan G. F. Russia Leaves the War. Princeton, 1956.

Kevles D. J. The Physicists: The History of a Scientific Community in Modern Ameri-
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Kimball W. The Most Unsordid Act. Lend-Lease, 1939—1941. Baltimore, 1969.

Kirby S. W. a. o. The War Against Japan: Vol. 1—5. L., 1957—1969, vol. 5. The Sur-
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Kirkpatrick E. L. The Farmer's Standard of Living. Wash., 1926.

Kocka J. White Collar Workers in America, 1890—1940: A Socialpolitical History in In-
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Kramer D. The Wild Jackasses. The American Farmer in Revolt. N. Y., 1956.

Krug E. A. Salient Dates in American Education. N. Y., 1966;

Kruzman P. Harry Hopkins and the New Deal. Fairlawn, 1974.

Kuznets S. National Product since 1869. N. Y., 1946.

Ladd E., Hadley C. Transformations of the American Party System. Political Coalitions
from the New Deal to the 1970's. N. Y., 1978.

Langer W. L., Gleason S. E. The Challenge to Isolation, 1937—1940. N. Y., 1952.

Langer W. L., Gleason S. E. The Undeclared War, 1940—1941. N. Y., 1953.

Larkin O. Art and Life in America. N. Y., 1960.

Lash J. Roosevelt and Churchill, 1939—1941. The Partnership that Saved the West. L.,

Lauterbach R. These are the Russians. N. Y., 1945.

Leuchtenburg W. The Perils of Prosperity, 1914—1932. Chicago, 1958.

Leven M., Moulton H., Warburton C. America's Capacity to Consume. Wash., 1934.

Levinson E. Labor on the March. N. Y., 1956.

Link A. American Epoch. A History of the United States since 1890's: Vol. 1—4. N. Y.,

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Lippman W. U. S. War Aims. Boston, 1944.

Lorwin L. L. The American Federation of Labor. History, Policies and Prospects. N. Y.,


Lorwin L. L. Postwar Plans of the United Nations. N. Y., 1943.
MacKay K. The Progressive Movement of 1924. N. Y., 1966.

McAdam D. Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1930—1970

Chicago, 1982.

Mattes J. J., Higgins J. Them and Us: Struggles of a Rank-and-File Union. Englewood

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Matloff M., Snell E. Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare: Vol. 1, 2. Wash., 1953

McCoy D. Angry Voices. Left-of-Center Politics in the New Deal Era. Lawrence (Kan)

McCoy D. Coming of Age. The United States during the 1920's and 1930's. Harmonds-

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Mecham L. A Survey of the United States Latin-American Relations. Boston, 1965.
Mikesell R. United States Economic Policy and International Relations. N. Y., 1952.
Miller D. You can't Do Business with Hitler. Boston, 1941.
Miller G. American Labor and the Government. N. Y., 1948.
Miller W. A New History of the United States. N. Y., 1975.
Millis H. A., Brown E. C. From the Wagner Act to Taft — Hartley. A Study of National

Labor Policy and Labor Relations. Chicago, 1950.
Milton D. The Politics of U. S. Labor: From the Great Depression to the New Deal. N. Y.,

Mitchell B. Depression Decade: From New Era Through New Deal. 1929—1941. N. Y.,


Moley R. After Seven Years. A Political Analysis of the New Deal. Lincoln, 1971.

Morris G. The Red Baiting Racket and How it Works. N. Y., 1947.

Morse A. While Six Million Died. A Chronicle of American Apathy. N. Y., 1968.

Morison S. History of the United States Naval Operations in World War II. Boston,
1947—1962. Vol. 1—15.

Murray R. Harding Era. Warren G. Harding and His Administration. Minneapolis, 1969.

Murray R. The Politics of Normalcy: Governmental Theory and Practice in the Har-
ding — Coolidge Era. N. Y., 1973.

Murray R. The 103rd Ballot. Democrats and the Disaster in Madison Square Garden.

N. Y.. 1976.

Myers W. S. The Foreign Policies of Herbert Hoover (1929—1933). N. Y., 1979.

Nash G. The Life of Herbert Hoover. Norton, 1983.

The Negro and the American Labor Movement/Ed. by J. Jacobson. Garden City (N. Y.),

Negro Education: A Study of the Private and Higher Schools for Colored People in the
Unites States / Ed. by Th. J. Jones. N. Y., 1969.

The Negro in Depression and War Prelude to Revolution, 1930—1945/Ed. by B. Stern-
slier. Chicago, 1969.

The New Deal. The National Level: Vol. 1, 2/Ed. by J. Braeman, R. Bremner, D. Bro-

dy. Columbus, 1975.

Noble S. G. A History of American Education. N. Y., 1954.

Nourse E. America's Capacity to Produce. Wash., 1934.

O'Connor R. The German-Americans: An Informal History. Boston; Toronto, 1968.

Offner A. A. American Appeasement: United States Foreign Policy and Germany, 1933—
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Ogden A. R. The Dies Committee: a Study of the Special House Committee for the In-
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Olson R., Hickman C. Pan-American Economics. N. Y., 1943.

Osgood R. Ideas and Self-interest in America's Foreign Relations. The Great Transfor-
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Ostrander G. M. American Civilization in the First Machine Age: 1890—1940. N. Y., 1970.

Parmet H., Hecht M. Never Again. A President Runs for a Third Term. N. Y., 1968.

Patterson J. Congressional Conservatism and the New Deal. The Growth of the Con-
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Perrett G. American in the Twenties: A History. N. Y., 1982.

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Polenberg R. War and Society: The United States, 1941—1945. Westport (Conn.), 1980.
Poter E. The United States as World Sea Power. N. Y., 1956.
Prange G. The Untold Story of Pearl Harbor. N. Y., 1983.
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Ranch B. The History of the New Deal, 1933—1938. N. Y., 1963.



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Rayback J. A History of American Labor. N. Y., 1966.

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Rieselbach L. N. The Roots of Isolationism. Congressional Voting and Presidential Lea-
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Rippy J. F. Globe and Hemisphere. Latinamerica's Place in the Postwar Foreign Rela-
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Roc W. Juggernaut. American Labor in Action. N. Y., 1948.

Rochester A. Profits and Wages. N. Y., 1932.

Romasco A, The Poverty of Abundance. Hoover, the Nation, the Depression. N. Y., 1965„

Romas со A. The Politics of Recovery: Roosevelt's New Deal. N. Y., 1983.

Roscoe T. United States Submarine Operations in World War II. Annapolia, 1950.

Rosenberg E. S. Spreading American Dream: American Economic and Cultural Expan-
sion, 1890—1945. N. Y., 1982.

Roskill S. The War at Sea, 1939—1945: Vol. 1—3. L., 1954—1960.

Saloutos Т., Hicks J. D. Agricultural Discontent in the Middle West, 1900—1939. Madi-
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Saloutos T. The Farmer Movements in the South, 1865—1933. Berkeley; Los Angeles,


Saloutos T. The American Farmer and the New Deal. Ames, 1982.
Schlesinger A. M. The Rise of Modern America, 1865—1951. N. Y., 1954.
Schlesinger A., Jr. The Age of Roosevelt: Vol. 1—3. Boston, 1957, 1958, 1960, vol. 1. The

Crisis of the old Order, 1919—1933; vol. 2. The Coming of the New Deal; vol. 3. The

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Schofield В. В. The Russian Convoys. L., 1964.
Schwartz A. America and the Russia-Finnish War. N. Y., 1975.
Schwarz J. A. The Interregnum of Despair. Hoover, Congress and the Depression. Ur-

bana, 1970.

Seldes G. Facts and Fascism. N. Y., 1943.
Selected Reading's in American History: Vol. 1,2/ Ed. by J. DeNovo. N. Y., 1969, vol. 2.

Main Themes 1865 to the Present.

Shannon D. A. Between the Wars: America, 1919—1941. Boston, 1965.
Shannon D. A. Twentieth Century America: Vol. 1—3. N. Y., 1974.
Sherry M. Preparing for the Next War: American Plans for Postwar Defense, 1941—1945.

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Shover J. Cornbelt Rebellion. The Farmers' Holiday Association. Urbana (111.), 1965.
Shulman M. Defeat in the West. N. Y., 1948.
Silvestone P. United States Warships of World War II. L., 1965.
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Smith R. Triumph in the Philippines. Wash., 1963.
Sobel R. The Origins of Intervention: The United States and the Russia-Finnish War.

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Soule G. Prosperity Decade. From War to Depression: 1917—1929. N. Y., 1947.

Stott W. Documentary Expression and Thirties America. N. Y., 1973.

Sullivan M. Our Times. The United States, 1900—1925: Vol. 1—6. N. Y., 1926—1935,

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Towards a New Past. Dissenting Essays in American History / Ed. by B. Bernstein. N. Y.,

Trani E., Wilson D. The Presidency of Warren G. Harding. Lawrence (Kan.), 1977. Tugwell R. The Industrial Discipline and the Governmental Arts. N. Y., 1933. Tugwell R. Roosevelt's Revolution. The First Year: A Personal Perspective. N. Y., 1977. Turner A. The Unique Partnership: Britain and the United States. N. Y., 1971. Vinson J. Ch. The Parchment Peace. The United States Senate and the Washington Conference, 1921—1922. Athens, 1955.

Walsh J. R. CIO: Industrial Unionism in Action. N. Y., 1937.

Ware S. Beyond Suffrage: Women in the New Deal. Cambridge (Mass.), 1981.

Warren H. Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression. N. Y., 1967.

Weinstem J. The Decline of Socialism in America, 1912—1925. N. Y., 1967.

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