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When Captain James Cook landed in the Polynesian islands of Hawaii in 1778, he was surprised to find the native men and women, both * royalty and ordinary citizens, riding waves standing on wooden boards.

Nowadays surfing is enjoyed by surfers * wherever there are waves, in Bali, Australia, Japan, France and even Britain. Contemporary surfers use lightweight fiberglass boards to catch waves of varying shapes and sizes as they roll in towards the beach.

Although there has been a * fiercely competitive professional tour since the 1970s, surfing traditionally appeals to young people with a relaxed outlook on life. One of the main attractions of the sport is its simplicity – all you really need is a surfboard, a wetsuit and a way of getting to the beach.

Danger rating:3/5

* royalty- члены королевской семьи

* wherever- где бы ни

* fiercely- жёсткий

*SCUBA diving

Lovers of SCUBA diving rave about the peace and quiet under the water and the sense of adventure they get while on a dive. SCUBA divers often travel to some of the most beautiful and remote places in the world in the search for rare underwater flora and fauna. The Red Sea, The Maldives and Hawaii have many of the most popular diving sites.

SCUBA diving is not without its dangers, however. The mixture of nitrogen and oxygen divers breathe underwater, combined with the pressure under the water can be deadly if a diver rises too quickly to the surface. Divers can also get lost or trapped when diving on * wrecks, and swimming through underground caves filled with water.

Diving can also be harmful to the underwater environment – in the past irresponsible divers have caused a great deal of damage to coral reefs. However with proper precautions you can discover a whole new world, far from the stresses of daily life.

Danger rating:3/5

* SCUBA diving- дайвинг со снаряжением

* wrecks- обломки

* B.A.S.E. jumping

There's one thing jumpers need above all else when they go B.A.S.E. jumping - nerves of steel. B.A.S.E. * stands for Buildings, Antennae, Span(bridges), Earth, which is another way of saying jumping off high objects with a parachute.

If you aren't * used to skydiving, then forget it-you need to have * incredibly fast reflexes because you have to open the parachute at exactly the right moment. It's easy to see why B.A.S.E. jumping is so exciting- you really do risk being seriously injured.

B.A.S.E. jumping is against the law in the UK and America, so you'll have to go to France or Norway if you want to try it where you're allowed to jump. And think very carefully before you decide to have a go – more than 20 people have already died looking for this kind of thrill.

Danger rating:4/5

* B.A.S.E. jumping - прыжки с парашютом с каких-либо сооружений

* stands for- означает

* used to- привыкнуть к

* incredibly- невероятно, неимоверно

Street * Luger

It's a version of the skateboard, but is longer and more stable. The boards are specially built to fit each rider, who must wear a leather suit and a full motorbike helmet. Riders also use special shoes, because their boots are their brakes.

Well, just imagine being in a bed that someone has turned into a powerful motorbike! This is a good thing when you realize that you can expect to go over 150 km an hour.

Street luge appears to be a great way to hurt yourself unless you do it at official meetings that are properly run and supervised- don't even consider doing it on an ordinary road.

Danger rating:5/5

* Luger- (от lug [l Λ g]-тащить, тянуть ч.-л.) устройство, которое тянет мотоцикл и в котором находится спортсмен. («BBC»)

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