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I. Найдите в текстах слова, которые имеют следующие значения (1-10)


1. The American name for a cinema. →

the m..t.....

2. A cafe that specializes in milk and ice cream products.→

the i..... c …... p......

3. A large group of shops under one roof.→

the s ….. m.....


4. A place where you can go bowling.→

the b. ….. a.....

5. An area where there are lots of different restaurants and takeaways.→

the f. …. c.....

6. A place where you can relax, e.g. in a pool, sauna or steam room.→

the s …...

7. Hot food that is served very quickly.→

f …... f …...


8. A place where you can play on coin -operated games machines.→

the a …...

9. An building where you can roller skate.→

the i …… s …... p......


10. A building where you can buy cosmetic products.→

the c …… s …...

II. Просмотрите тексты A-D внимательно еще раз и определите, кто из посетителей выполняет нижеследующие действия.

1. …….goes to the movie theater.

2. …….plays the games in the arcade.

3. …….likes to look in the cosmetics shops.

4. …….always makes sure she looks good when she goes to the mall.

5. …….likes a really good atmosphere at the mall.

6. …….likes to buy the latest sports clothes.

7. …….goes to the spa there.

8. …….tries out the new games in some shops.

Грамматика для чтения

Задание 1.

Определите функции простых сочинительных союзов в предложениях. Найдите сложное предложение, простые предложения которого соединены бессоюзно.


1. My friends and I go to the mall every day.

2. You can even listen to the music or try out the new games in some shops.

3. We like to check out the latest DVDs and computer games in the shops.

4. We usually just hang out or walk up and down looking in the clothes shops.


5. We also go to the bowling alley there, and the kids love eating at the food


6. I don’t go for any particular reason, but I like to look in the designer shops and the cosmetics shops, and I usually end up buying something.

7. We get the weekly groceries at the mall, too; sometimes Vanessa goes to the spa there.

8. But I like to see what’s new, and there’s a really good atmosphere there.

1.2. a.Соедините простые предложения при помощи союзов or, but, and.

1. Nancy goes to the mall every day. She doesn’t buy anything.

2. Tyler goes to the mall twice a week. The Kowalskis go to the mall every weekend.

3. Connie likes to look in the cosmetics shops. She usually buys something.

4. Do the Kowalskis go to the bowling alley? Do they go to the spa?

5. Tyler likes to buy the latest sports clothes. Connie likes to buy the designer clothes.

б. Закончите предложения, добавив информацию о себе.

1. I go to the mall at the weekends, and…

2. I like to buy the latest DVDs, but…

3. I always make sure I look good or…..

Задание 2.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 527 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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