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Используйте фразы из таблицы, чтобы выразить свое отношение к предметам, животным, занятиям из списка

I love... I absolutely loathe... I don’t mind... I am quite indifferent to...
I prefer... I’m rather keen on... I adore... I really like...
I hate... I’m not too fond of... I can’t stand... I enjoy... I avoid...

Chocolates, ice cream, dogs, rats, spiders, horses, washing the dishes, being with your family for special occasions, taking exams, getting up early, small babies, sunbathing, hot weather, pop music, going to parties, meeting new people, shopping, sitting in traffic jams.

4) Найдите синонимы к like /dislike среди выделенных слов в предложениях.

1. I am crazy about football.

2. He really enjoys swimming.

3. She doesn’t mind chocolate.

4. My friend is interested in collecting coins.

5. I can not stand rats.

6. My parents love dogs.

7. I hate washing the dishes.

8. She does not really like cooking.

Составьте короткий диалог с партнером, обсуждая предметы, вещи и выражая свое к ним отношение, по образцу.

Model: A: How do you like my new watch?

D: Very much. (It’s very nice/ Not very much)

Просмотрите список значимых вещей в жизни человека. Выберите самые важные для себя и обсудите их со своим партнером. Дополните список. Используйте следующие слова и выражения для обоснования своей точки зрения.

Having good friends, a partner, children, a nice home, enough money for a nice car, enough money to travel, a successful career, enough time to relax, a busy social life, nice clothes.

An interesting job, a good salary, living in a nice area, being fit and healthy, going out a lot, being attractive.

… is most important for me (because)… I think… is more important then… (because) … … doesn’t really matter to me (because) … Personally, I don’t think … is at all important … I find it very hard/impossible to choose between there two (because) … That’s the same for me Me too/ Me neither I agree with you Well, for me … is more important I am indifferent to… As for me…

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 631 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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