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II. Comprehension check

Read the article and say whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F)

a. A new computer program can paint pictures on mirrors. T / F
b. The program recognizes eight basic expressions of the face. T / F
c. The program chooses the brush stroke based on the person’s mood. T / F
d. It takes several hours for the computer to create the artwork. T / F
e. The program must be adjusted for each individual viewer. T / F
f. The program may have uses in psychology and other fields. T / F
g. The program may add more color to our everyday lives. T / F
h. The artwork will mean there’ll be more bored-looking people. T / F

Answer the following questions

a. Who has developed new software? What is so amazing about it?

b. Which facial expressions can be analysed with the use of the software?

c. Is this program for group use?

d. What happens when a person’s facial expression changes?

e. How can this software be used in medicine?

f. What are other fields of its application?

Check your memoryJ. Look at the words below. With your partner, try to recall exactly how these were used in the text

  • scans
  • basic
  • angle
  • brush
  • live
  • real
  • individual
  • ongoing
  • tools
  • patient
  • grey

III. Vocabulary work

1. Find English equivalents for the following expressions:

Ведущий исследователь, разработать программное обеспечение, произведение искусства, выражение лица, использовать информацию, угадывать чувства, мазки кисти, настроение, выяснять состояние пациента, жить счастливо, быть уверенным, напротив нас, жизнерадостные картинки.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 232 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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