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Their cusps grind the food... a soft mass. 1 страница

Exercise 2. Translate into English:

33)Різець має долотувату форму коронки.

34)Коронка ікла конічної форми.

35)Верхній нервовий премоляр та щічний та піднебінний корені.

36)Бугри нижніх премолярів менші за верхніх.

37)Нижні моляри мають два корені: один медіальний та один дистальний.

38) Косий скіс коронки верхніх молярів йде від мезиально-піднебінного до дистально-щічного бугрів.

39) У третього моляра різні розміри, а також кількість коренів та бугрів.


12. Every tooth consists of a …

b) crown, a jaw and one or more roots b) crown, a neck and only one root

c) upper jaw, a neck and three roots d) lower jaw, a neck and two roots

e) crown, a neck and one or more roots

13. Every tooth … of enamel, dentine, cementum and pulp.

kkk) Composed b) is composed c) composing d)Compose e) composes

14. Enamel is insensitive … pain.

j) For b) of c) at d) to e) by

15. Unlike most other … it cannot undergo repair; thus any damage caused by decay or injury is permanent.

p) Cementum b) enamel c) tissues d) dentine e) pulp

16. Cementum meets enamel at the neck of the …

hh) Tooth b) jaw c) crown d) tongue e) lingula

17. Dentine occupies the … of the crown and root, and is very sensitive to pain.

e) Interior b) posterior c) middle d) upper e) lower

18. The nerves … the pulp are responsible … pain felt when dentine is drilled or toothache occurs.

j) for … of b) of … for c) at … of d) at … for e)of … at

19. Incisors have … root and flattened chisel-shaped crowns.

t) One b) two c) three d) four e) five

20. The upper lateral … crown is smaller than the upper central.

j) Molar b) premolar c) canine d) incisor e) wisdom tooth

21. The cusps of upper premolars are much … than lowers and are almost equal in size.

j) Smaller b) larger c) longer d) bigger e) shorter



Exercise 1. Practice pronunciation and memorize the words:

deciduous (syn. temporary) [di`sidjuəs] молочний (тимчасовий)

permanent [`pə:m(ə)nənt] постійний

dentition [den`ti∫(ə)n] зубний ряд

to drop out (syn. to exfoliate) [drop aut], [eks`fəulieit] випасти

to erupt [i`rΛpt] прорізуватися

gum (syn. Gingiva) [gΛm], [d3i`d3aivƏ ] ясна

to loosen [lu:sən] розхитуватися

to overlook [,əuvə`luk] недоглянути

to decay [di`kei] пошкоджуватися

to be replaced [ri`pleist] замінюватися

to result in [ri`zΛlt in] привести до

to support [sə`pot] підтримувати

cuspid (syn. canine) [`kΛspid], [`keinain] ікло

molar [`məulə] корінний зуб, моляр

Exercise 2. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations:

Two sets of teeth, early childhood, adult years, temporary dentition, canine teeth, permanent teeth, under the surface of the gum, act as a keystone, early loss, dental arch.

Exercise 3. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the Passive Voice:

p) The teeth, which erupt in early childhood, are called the temporary teeth.

q) The permanent teeth are intended to serve during the adult years.

r) The deciduous teeth are replaced by the permanent ones.

s) The first molar is often overlooked and permitted to decay.

t) It may be permitted to decay and it results in its early loss.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text.


During his life each human has two sets of teeth. Those teeth that erupt in early childhood are called the temporary teeth or deciduous teeth. The second or permanent teeth erupt later and are intended to serve during the adult years.

Temporary teeth. There are twenty teeth in the temporary dentition, ten in each jaw.

The first of those teeth usually erupts about six months, and this process continues, one temporary tooth after another pushing its way through the gums until about the second year. Between the ages of six and twelve or thirteen, these teeth loosen and drop out (exfoliate), and are promptly replaced by the permanent ones.

The temporary dentition in each jaw consists of: two central incisors, two lateral incisors, two cuspids or canine teeth, four molar teeth. While the temporary teeth are still in place in the mouth, the permanent teeth are commencing to form inside the jawbone. As they grow, they press against the roots of the temporary teeth, which wear away, until there is not enough root structure remaining to support them and, one by one, they are lost. As each temporary tooth is exfoliated, a permanent tooth, usually just beneath the surface of the gum, is waiting to push through and take its place.

Permanent teeth. The normal permanent dentition of a man consists of 32 teeth. The first of these usually erupts at about the age of 6. This is the first permanent molar or six-year molar. It erupts behind the second temporary molar, and does not replace a temporary tooth. This first permanent molar tooth acts as a keystone, determining the position of all the other permanent teeth, which are to erupt later. Because this important tooth comes through at such an early date and doesn’t replace a temporary tooth, it is often overlooked and permitted to decay. Its early loss may result in irregularities in the dental arch and damage of the teeth.


Exercise 5. Answer the questions to the text:

6) How many sets of teeth does each man have?

7) When do the temporary teeth erupt?

8) When are teeth called temporary?

9) How many teeth are there in dentition? How many are there in each jaw?

10)Until what age does the process of eruption of deciduous teeth continue?

11)What are the deciduous teeth replaced by?

12)What is the function of the permanent teeth?

Exercise 6. Make sentences from the following words and word combinations:

13) to call, which, early, the temporary teeth, to erupt, childhood, those teeth.

14) to erupt, the age, between, six, to loose, these teeth, of, twelve or thirteen.

15) to press, of, the roots, against, the permanent teeth, the temporary teeth.

16) normal, a man, consists of, permanent dentition, 32 teeth.

17) a key-stone, acts, first molar, this, tooth, as, permanent.

Exercise 7. Find synonyms to the following words in the text:

Gingiva, to lead to, milk teeth, dentition, to replace, canine, to drop out, to allow, injury.

Exercise 8. Make the sentences interrogative and negative:

11. The deciduous teeth are the first set.

12. Eruption starts at six months.

13. Permanent teeth are the second and final set.

14. All teeth start developing inside the jaw.

Exercise 9. Translate into English:

1. Перші зуби прорізуються в дітей у ранньому дитинстві.

2. Напртязі двох років один за другим молочні зуби пробиваються через ясна.

3. Тимчасових зубів по 10 на кожній щелепі.

4. Постійні зуби, починаючи формуватися у щелеповій кістці, тиснуть на корені тимчасових зубів.

5. 32 зуба – нормальна кількість зубів у людини.

6. Перший постійний моляр прорізується в 6 років.

7. Рання втрата першого моляра може привести до зміни зубної дуги.

Exercise 10. Fill in the missing remarks. Reproduce the dialogues:

a) - What does every tooth consist of? - …

- What are the neck and apex? - …

- What is every tooth composed of? - …

b) - What do you know about enamel? - …

- I’d like to know what cementum is? - …

- What does dentine occupy? - …

- What is pulp? - …

- What can you tell me about the alveolar process? - …

- By what is a tooth attached to its socket in the jaw? - …

c) - How are the low and the upper jaw also called? - …

- What is the hard palate? - …

- And what jaw is immovable? - …


1. The second or … teeth erupt later and are intended to serve during the adult years.

a) Incisor b) permanent c) temporary d) molar e) canine

2. Between the ages of six and twelve or thirteen, temporary teeth loosen and drop out (exfoliate), and … by the permanent ones.

a) Change b) will replace c) are replaced d) are pressed e) is changed

3. The temporary dentition in each jaw consists …: two central incisors, two lateral incisors, two cuspids or canine teeth, four molar teeth.

4. With b) by c) from d) of e) in

4. There are … teeth in the temporary dentition.

9. 18 b) 32 c) 15 d) 33 e) 20

5. One temporary tooth after another pushes its way … the gum until about the second year.

12. In b) across c) through d) within e) inside

6. The first … tooth usually erupts at about the age of 6.

a) Permanent b) temporary c) cuspid d) molar e) incisor

7. Because the first permanent molar comes through at such an early date and doesn’t replace a temporary tooth, it … often … and permitted to decay.

a) was forgotten b) is lost c) isn’t seen d) overlooks e) is overlooked

8. Those teeth that erupt in early childhood are called the temporary teeth or … teeth.

a) molars b) cuspids c) permanent d) deciduous e) decayed

9. While the temporary teeth are still in place in the mouth, the permanent teeth … to form inside the jawbone.

a) show up b) are commencing c) will commence

d) is commencing e) are showing up

10. The first permanent molar erupts behind the second temporary molar, and … a temporary tooth.

a) isn’t replace b)don’t replace c)is not to replace d)does not replace e) is replaced




Exercise 1. Remember the pronunciation of the words:

Remember: -ure — суфікс іменника.

Якщо перед цим суфіксом при­голосний t, то -ture читається [t∫ә]structure — структура, будова.

Якщо перед ним приголосний s, то -sure читається [ә]: measure ['mезә] — міра, мірка, критерій.

Якщо ж -ss, то -ssure читається [∫ә]: pressure ['рге∫ә] — тиск.

Exercise 3. Read and translate:

future, nature, mixture, structure, pleasure, measure.

Remember: За допомогою суфікса -ion утворюються іменники від коренів дієслів:

-tion, -ssion читається [∫n], a -sion після голосної читається [зn].

Склад перед суфіксом - ion наголошений:

to erupt [іrΛpt] — прорізуватися (про зуби);

eruption [irΛp∫n] — прорізування (зубів);

vary [veәri] — міняти(ся), змінювати(ся);

variation [veәri'ei∫n] — зміна.

Exercise 4. Read and translate:

Resorbtion, occlusion, attention, invasion, session, represen­tation.

Exercise 5. Define what part of speech the following words belong to, translate them, remember the words: Call, complete, even, for, air.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the words and word combinations:

toothteeth [tu:θ— ti:θ]: the deciduous teeth, milk or tem­porary teeth, permanent teeth, tooth structure, surfaces of the teeth.

incisor [in'saizә]: central incisor, lateral incisor, decid­uous incisor, permanent incisor, incisal edge.

erupt [i'rΛpt]: erupts, erupted, eruption, to erupt before and after birth, eruption commences, eruption is completed, unerupted.

average [ævәriX]: average age, on an average, average American.

Exercise 7. Read the text and translate it. Compose the plan and retell the text:


The deciduous teeth are the first set and are also known as milk or temporary teeth. There are twenty of them; ten in each jaw with five on each side.

Deciduous teeth start developing inside the jaw before birth and erupt after birth. Eruption starts at six months and is completed at two years. Individual variation is common but the average ages are as follows: A. Central incisor, 6months;

B. Lateral incisor, 8 months;

C. Canine, 18 months;

D. 1st MOLAR, 12 months;

E. 2nd MOLAR, 24 months.

Lower teeth usually erupt before their corresponding upper.

Permanent teeth are the second and final set. There are thirty-two of them; sixteen in each jaw, eight on each side. Like deciduous teeth, the eight on each side of both jaws have the same names.

Permanent teeth start devel­oping at birth. Eruption commences at six years of age and is completed at eighteen to twenty-five years. Eruption times are subject to consider­able individual variation but the average ages are:

1. Central incisor, 7 years.

2. Lateral incisor, 8 years.

3.Canine, 9 years (lower); 11 years (upper).

4. 1st premolar, 10 years (lower); 9 years (upper).

5. 2nd premolar, 11 years (lower); 10 years (upper).

6. 1st molar, 6 years.

7. 2nd molar, 12 years.

8. 3d molar, 18-26 years.

After the deciduous teeth loosen, they are shed and are soon replaced by eruption of their permanent successors. Deciduous incisors and canines are replaced by permanent teeth of the same name. Deciduous molars, however, are replaced by premolars. Thus the permanent molars erupt without having any deciduous predecessors. Deciduous teeth become loose by resorption of their roots which deprives them of their attach­ment to the jaws. The unerupted permanent successors lie adja­cent to the absorbing deciduous roots and are thus able to erupt into their places when the deciduous teeth are finally shed.


Exercise 8. Find in the text English equivalents for these words and word combinations:

1.також відомі як. 2. десять у кожній щелепі — по п'ять з кожного боку. 3. мати назву. 4. прорізуються після наро­дження. 5. індивідуальна відмінність. 6. протилежні верхні. 7. як і тимчасові зуби. 8. завершується. 9. незабаром замі­нюються. 10. мати таку ж назву. 11. випадають через розсмок­тування їх коренів. 12. ті, що не прорізалися. 13. здатні до прорізування.

Exercise 9. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word com­binations are used in the text.

to be named, arrival, usually, at birth, to be subject, loosen, premolars, deprive, to be shed.

Exercise 10. Make the sentences negative and then interrogative:

1. The deciduous teeth are the first set.

2. All teeth start developing inside the jaw.

3. Eruption starts at six months.

4. Permanent teeth are the second and final set.

5. After the deciduous teeth loosen, they are shed.

Exercise 11. Answer these questions:

1. How are deciduous teeth also named?

2. How many deciduous teeth do you know and what are they?

3. When do deciduous teeth start developing?

4. What are average ages for tooth eruption?

5. When do lower teeth usually erupt?

6. How many permanent teeth are there?

7. When does eruption of per­manent teeth start? And when is it completed?

8. What are deciduous teeth replaced by?

9. Why do deciduous teeth become loose?

Exercise 12. Insert articles where necessary:

5.... deciduous teeth are also known as temporary.

6. There are five teeth on... each side of... jaw.

7. Their arrival in... mouth is known as eruption.

8. Eruption starts at six month and is com­pleted at... two years.

9. Permanent teeth are... second set.

10. Permanent teeth start developing at... birth.

11. Eruption is completed at eighteen to twenty-five years of... age.

12. Deciduous molars are replaced by... premolars.

Exercise 13. Give a summary of the text «The Number of the Teeth».



Exercise 1. Read, translate and learn the following words:

Bite [bait] прикус

Cusp [kΛsp] вістря зуба, горбик

Crevice [krevis] тріщина, щілина

Fissure [fi∫ә] щілина, тріщина, борознa

Incisal edge [insaizәl eX] ріжучий край

Exercise 2. Practice the pronunciation:

Mesial [mi:zjәl], occlusal [oklu:3l], buccal [bΛkәl], lingual [liŋwәl], facial [fei∫l], posterior [posiәriә], anterior [æntiәriә].

Exercise 3. Find the Ukrainian equivalents:

2. Posterior teeth a. передні зуби

3. Occlusal surface b. медиальна поверхня

4. Median line c. внутрішня поверхня

5. Against the lips d. периферична поверхня

6. Mesial surface e. язикова поверхня

7. Inside surface f. задні зуби

8. Anterior teeth g. оклюзійна поверхня

9. Distal surface h. середня лінія

10. Lingual surface i. піднебінна поверхня

11. Palatal surface j. напроти губ

12. Buccal surface k. лицева поверхня

13. Labial surface l. щічна поверхня

14. Facial surface m. губна поверхня

Exercise 4. Read the text «Surfaces of the Teeth» and write out the main terms characterizing different surfaces of the teeth. Translate the text and retell it.


The biting surface of molars and premolars is called the occlusal surface. On incisors and canines it is called the incisal edge. The occlusal surface is the biting surface of the posterior teeth, i.e. of molars and premolars, which is raised up into cusps. Between the cusps are crevices known as fissures.

The outer surface of molars and premolars — the surface fac­ing the cheeks — is called the buccal surface. In the case of incisors and canines this surface is called labial as it faces the lips instead of the cheeks.

The inner surface of every lower tooth faces the tongue so it is called the lingual surface. This surface in all upper teeth is known as the palatal surface.

The remaining surfaces are those between adjoining teeth. The surface facing towards the front of the mouth is called mesial and that facing backwards is called distal. The adjective cervical is used for the neck of the tooth.


Exercise 5. Ask 10 questions to the text and answer them.

Exercise 6. Insert prepositions or adverbs:

1.There are ten teeth... each jaw.

2. Deciduous teeth start developing... birth and erupt... birth.

3. Permanent teeth start developing... birth.

4. Eruption times are subject... consider­able individual variation.

5. They are replaced... eruption of their permanent successors.

6. The permanent molars erupt... having any deciduous predecessors.

7. The resorpted roots deprive temporary teeth... their attachement... the jaw.

Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:

The general function of teeth is mastication, facial aesthetics and speech.

The incisors cut off parts of food which are forced by the tongue and muscles of the mouth between the posterior teeth, where they are ground by these larger teeth.

Cuspids are also called canines. The premolars crush the food that has been cut off by incisors and cuspids.

The molars are the largest teeth in the mouth and they are also the strongest teeth because of their crown size and root development. They grind the food particles.

Exercise 8. Translate into English:

1.Дитина має 20 тимчасових зубів: у кожній щелепі — 10 (по п'ять з кожного боку).

2. Зуби починають прорізуватися в шість місяців, другі моляри прорізуються в два роки ос­танніми.

3. Постійні зуби починають розвиватися у людини з дня народження.

4. Строк прорізування зубів у кожної лю­дини різний.

5. Тимчасові різці і клики замінюються на по­стійні з такою ж назвою.

6. Тимчасові зуби випадають тому, що внаслідок розсмоктування їх коренів вони позбавлені опори в щелепі.

7. Постійні моляри не мають своїх тимчасо­вих попередників.

8. Тимчасові моляри замінюються премолярами.

9. Коли тимчасовий зуб випадає, на його місце прорізується його наступник — постійний.

10. Прорізування постійних зубів завершується до 18-25 років.

Exercise 9. Speak of:

a) temporary teeth b) permanent teeth c) the number of the deciduous teethd) the number of the permanent teeth e) the surfaces of the teeth.


1.What is the first set of teeth?

a. permanent b. lateral c. upper d. lower e. deciduous

2. How many are there temporary teeth?

a. 32 b. 24 c. 20 d. 18 e. 22

3. Where do all teeth start developing?

a. on the lateral surface of jaws b. inside the jaws

c. outside the jaws d. on an external surface of jaws e. inside the gums

4. When do temporary teeth become developing?

a. before the birth b. at six month c. at two years d. at one month e. at birth

5. When do permanent teeth become developing?

a. at six years b. after the birth c. before the birth d. at 2 e. at birth

6. What teeth usually erupt first?

a. upper b. 3rd molar c. 2nd molar d. lower e. posterior

7. When does eruption of permanent teeth completed?

a. at 10 b. at 6 c. from 6 to 8 d. from 18 to 26 e. at 12

8. How many are there permanent teeth in dentition?

a. 33 b. 20 c. 24 d. 32 e. 28

9. How many are there permanent teeth on each side?

a. 5 b. 16 c. 8 d. 32 e. 24

10. Deciduous teeth start developing … birth.

a. at b. before c. during d. after e. for

11. Deciduous teeth erupt … 6 month.

a. at b. in c. during d. for e. out of

12.Occlusal surface is biting surface of …

a. molars and canines b. molars and incisors c. premolars and cuspids d. premolars and incisors e. molars and premolars

13. Lingual surface is the surface which faces …

a. lips b. palate c. tongue d. cheeks e. face

14. Labial surface faces …

a. lips b. cheeks c. palate d. canines e. incisors

15. The inner surface of upper teeth … as the palatal surface.

a. is known b. are known c. knows d. known e. knew

16. Eruption … at six month.

a. is started b. has started c. start d. started e. starts

17. Deciduous teeth … by permanent ones.

a. is replaced b. replace c. are replaced d. are replacing e. replacing

18. Why … deciduous teeth become loose?

a. does b. do c. are d. is e. ---

19. When … lateral incisors erupt?

a. does b. do c. are d. were e. has

20. What …molar … at 12?

a. does…erupt b. ---…erupts c. is…erupted d. ---… erupt e. are…erupted




Exercise 1. Read the following words:

quadrant чверть круга

alphabet алфавіт

vice versa навпаки

shorthand стенографія

to make it easy полегшувати

designate, v. позначати

particular, окремий, особливий

imagine, v. уявляти

represent, v. уявляти, відображати

either...or і … і, або … або

substitute, v. замінювати

chart, n. схема

reason, n. причина, розум

angle, n. кут

Exercise 2. Practice the pronunciation:

Quadrant ['kwɔdrǝnt], aplphabet ['ælfǝbit], vice versa [vaisi'vǝ:sǝ], designate ['designeit], chart [tʃa:t].

Exercise 3. Read and translate the text.


There is a sort of dental shorthand which makes it easy to designate any particular tooth. The mouth is divided by an imaginational line between the lower jaws and another vertically, in the median line. This divides the mouth into quadrants: upper left and right and lower left and right.

Permanent teeth. Permanent teeth are designated by Arabic
numerals, which represent their relation to the median line.


8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 UPPER 12 3 4 5 6 7 8


1.Central Incisor. 2. Lateral Incisor.

3. Cuspid or Canine. 4. First Premolar or Bicuspid.

5. Second Bicuspid or Premolar. 6. First Molar.

7. Second Molar. 8. Third Molar.

On designation temporary teeth we use either Roman numerals or substitution them letters of the alphabet. The letter "A" would represent the central incisor, "B" - the lateral one, " C" - the cuspid and "D" and "E" - the first and.the second temporary molars.





Notice particularly that the right side of the chart is on your left and vice versa. The reason for this is that it represents the mouth of a patient, as you look at it. If we wish to note any tooth, it is necessary to draw the whole design. Draw a right angle, in the proper direction and write in it the number of the tooth. For example, if you wanted to note the upper left first molar we would write 6; for the lower right cuspid we would write 3.


Exercise 4. Answer the questions to the text:

1. How do we designate any particular tooth?

2. How many quadrants is the mouth divided into?

3. What are permanent teeth designated by?

4. What numerals are temporary teeth designated by?

5. Is it necessary to draw the whole design if you wish to note any tooth?

6. What will you write if you want to note the upper left first molar (the lower right lateral incisor)?

Exercise 5. Give Russian equivalents:

1.Second Molar. 5. Cuspid.

2. First Premolar. 6. Central Incisor.

3. Lateral Incisor. 7. Second Premolar.

4. Third Molar. 8. First Molar.

Exercise 6. Fill the blanks with either... or, neither... nor:

1. When one healthy... the blood analysis... the urinalysis show abnormal findings.

2. The sick may be given injections... in the morning in the evening.

3. According to the patient's complaints the physician may listen... to his heart... to his lungs.

4.... the X - ray examination... the numerous electrocardiograms showed any changes in the size of the heart and its functions.

5. The dentist reveled... caries of dental enamel... caries of cementum.

6. We have classes... at the University... at a clinic.

7.... hot water bottle... remedies will relieve your toothache.

Exercise 7. Translate into English:

1. Вам потрібно правильно позначити постійні зуби.

2. Ми повинні розділити рот умовною лінією на квадранти.

3. Що, на вашою думкою, спричинило біль?

4. Позначте прямий кут.

5. Вам потрібно замінити штучні коронки.

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