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Grammar revision. Exercise 14. Open the brackets using correct tense and voice:

Exercise 14. Open the brackets using correct tense and voice:

1. The nurse (to come) to give injections three times a day this month.

2. Vitamins (to assist) the biochemical process of the body.

3. Standardization of medicines and vaccines as well as development of medical research (to provide) by the WHO since its foundation.

4. Odessa (to warn) about epidemic of cholera.

5. Tomorrow we (to attend) the lecture in Biology.

6. The World Health organization (to establish) in 1948.

7. I never (to be) to the operation-room before.

8. His sister (to care) for medicine.

9. The WHO (to inform) national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases.

10. HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (to be) communicable diseases.

11. I (to see) an interesting operation this week.

12. The students (to show) the wards for patients with burns.

Exercise 15. Express the following sentences in the Passive voice:

Model: The doctorhas examined all the extremities.

All the extremities have been examined by the doctor.

1. The surgeons have operated on these patients.

2. These drugs have arrested bleeding.

3. The doctor has set a fractured bone.

4. The surgeon has prevented the fatal outcome of the disease.

5. The therapeutist had discharged this convalescent.

6. The nurse had introduced the solution of antibiotics into the wound.

7. The patient had survived the operation for cholecystitis well.

8. The stomach ulcer had caused a profuse abdominal bleeding.

9. The nurse had dressed the patient's surgical wound.

Exercise 16. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. There are 194 member-states in the WHO now.

2. The WHO provides information about international quarantine measures.

3. The World Health Assembly typically meets in May.

4. The World Health Organization is concerned with international public health.

5. The WHO was established in 1948.

6. The WHO informs national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases.

7. The WHO has achieved impressive success in the campaign against small pox and malaria.

8. The WHO works to improve health during key stages of life.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 647 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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