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Special Diets

Certain groups of...... such as young children or older people have special… needs. Because … grow …, they need food not only to replace worn-out tissues and provide…, but also to build new…

A child's diet should … milk and milk …, eggs, … meat, poultry, fish, fruits,

vegetables, and cereals.

A… diet is important to the older … as it is to the child. Older people need as

many...as young adults. But if their...is reduced, they will need fewer calories.

Exercise 13. SMOKING. Choose the right answer.

Smoking is a dirty ….

a) custom b) fashion c) habit d) manner

2. You will die of lung cancer if you................. in smoking so many cigarettes.

a) assist b) consist c) insist d) persist

3. It is well-known that smoking can do you great......................

a) damage b) danger c) harm d) trouble

His doctor advised him to................... himself to three cigarettes a day.

a) border b) cage c) keep d) limit

I used to be quite a................. smoker, but I gave it up several years ago.

a) bad b) frequent c) heavy d) strong

Smoking is a very bad habit, which many people find difficult to..............................

a) beat b) break c) breathe d) cough

Can you.............. me an effective way to stop smoking?

a) advise b) instruct c) show d) suggest

All cigarette packets carry.................... about the effect of smoking on health.

a) advice b) alarm c) alert d) warning

Experts have found that breathing in tobacco smoke can be… to non-.smokers.

a) harmful b) spoiling c) unhealthy d) wholesome

You have a very bad cough. You must … on cigarettes.

a) cut down b) give up c) reduce d) take down

Many people have................... smoking. Why don't you follow their example'.

a) ended b) given up c) gone from d) left

Exercise 14. Speak about:

1.What are your ways to handle stress? Share your experience with your friends.

2. What do you usually have for breakfast, dinner or supper?

Exercise 15. Perform this brief test that will tell you how well you are stay healthy. Scores of 14 to 16 will be excellent. If your score is from 9 to 11 it's good, but you still have some room for improvement. Scores of 1 to 5 show that you take serious risks with your health.

1. I never smoke cigarettes (2)

I smoke sometimes (1)

I smoke cigarettes (0)

2) I eat fruit and vegetables, whole grain bread and dairy products every day (4)

I limit the amount of fat, sugar and salt in my food (3)

I have no limitations in my diet (0)

3) I avoid drinking alcohol (2)

I drink alcohol sometimes (1)

I use alcoholic beverages (0)

4) I exercise every day (4)

I do 15 min. exercises three times a week (2)

I do not exercise regularly (0)

5) I always obey safety rules (4)

I am careful using potentially harmful products (3)

I obey safety and traffic rules sometimes (1)


Exercise 16. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Healthy lifestyle does improve quality of our life and help to look and feel better.

2. Heavy smokers often suffer from attacks of chronic bronchitis and asthma.

3. As I felt severe pains in the abdomen, I called in a doctor.

4. Our health is too important for us to neglect it.

5. If you exercised 15—30 minutes three times a week you would be much healthier.

6. While I was examined I was asked about my past illnesses.

7. In order to prevent the spread of any infection the sick person must be isolated.

8. An ambulance that was called to my mother came within half an hour.

9. The patient has been suffering from a duodenal ulcer for many years.

10. The lecture was followed by the demonstrations of patients.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 731 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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