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Healthy lifestyle

Health is better than wealth

(a proverb)

All of us want good health, and one of the main factors affecting health is the lifestyle. If you never smoke, for instance, you reduce the risk of getting heart disease or cancer. Drinking alcohol can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and car accidents. Overeating can affect your looks and can be a great risk for diabetes and high blood pressure. To avoid overweight, hold down sugar, cholesterol and salt in your diet. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables «Apple a day keeps a doctor away» is a very smart saying. Follow the example and you will feel and look better.

Molecules from food are the materials from which our bodies build cells, blood and tissues, and provide energy needed for activities. Proteins and fats are the major building blocks for body growth. Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) are most efficient energy sources. Vitamins and minerals are also absolutely necessary. Despite the fact that different nations and cultures developed various diets, all of them supply the same basic materials. Mexicans, for example, get protein from beans and rice; Americans obtain it from beef, Italians — from pasta and cheese. Each culture has its own source of vitamins and minerals. Differences in diets of various cultures are due to kinds of crops cultivated in different parts of the world.

People who are malnourished or undernourished, i.e. those who lack some molecular building blocks of the body, may have such symptoms as fatigue, drying and yellowing of the skin, deterioration of hair texture, and increased susceptibility to illness. They may lack vitamins and minerals responsible for regulation of the tissue activity.

Healthy lifestyle means regular exercising. Usually, as little as 15—30 minutes three times a week will help you feel healthier, sleep better and tone up sagging muscles.

Learn to handle stress, otherwise it may cause a lot of physical and mental problems. Always think of safety at home, at school, at work, and on the road. Obey traffic rules, buckle seat belts, don't drive too fast, take care. Scientists say that half of premature deaths can be prevented by changes in behavior and lifestyle. Changes in lifestyle can increase an average life-span and help you to stay healthy. Decisions you make every day influence your health now and will influence it in future.

Start with asking yourself some frank questions: What steps should I take to be healthy? Am I willing to begin now? Am I really doing all possible to stay healthy? If necessary, change your habits, don't stop, go ahead and be healthy.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 455 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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