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Camping is the Ideal Way of Spending Holiday

There was a time when camping was considered a poor way of spending a holiday: OK for boy scouts and hard-up students, but hardly the thing for sophisticated comfort-loving adults. The adults have at last discovered that the boy scouts have been on to a good thing all these years. If you go camping it no longer means that you will be bitten to death by mosquitoes; have to drink brackish coffee; live on corned beef; suffocate or freeze in sleeping bag; hump huge weighs on your back. Camping has become the great pursuit of motorists the world over. All the discomforts associated with it have been miraculously whisked away. For a modest outlay, you have a comfortable, insulated tent. For a not so modest outlay you can have a holiday caravan with bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. The portable furniture is light and comfortable. What more could you want?

You see, camping has so much to offer. You enjoy absolute freedom. You have none of the headaches of advance hotel booking or driving round and round a city looking for a room. There are no cold hotel breakfasts, no surly staff to tip. For a small sum you can enjoy comforts which few hotels can provide. Modern camp sites are well equipped with hot and running water and even shops and dance floors. Low-cost holidays make camping an attractive proposition. But above all, you enjoy tremendous mobility. If you don't like a place, or it is too crowded, you can simply get up and go. Conversely, you can stay as long as you like. You are the boss!

And there is sheer fun of it — especially if you have a family. Moping around a stuffy hotel room wondering what they are going to give you for dinner is a tedious business. By comparison, it's so exciting to arrive at camp site, put up your tent and start getting a meal ready. You are active all the time and you are always close to nature. Everything is so nice and peaceful. Camping provides you with a real change from everyday life. You get up earlier, go to bed earlier, develop a hearty appetite. You have enormous opportunity to meet different people and to share your pleasures with them. People are so friendly when they are relaxed. For a few precious weeks in the year you really adopt a completely different way of life. And that's the essence of true recreation and real enjoyment.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1568 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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