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Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations

Развалины древних городов; образ жизни; музеи и картинные галереи; спокойный отпуск; увлекаться; старинные церкви и замки; путешествовать поездом; преимущества и недостатки; в соответствии с; самый удобный способ; безопасность; морское путешествие; опасный; покупать билеты заранее; по пути домой; достопримечательности; восхитительные впечатления; менять маршрут; купе; скорый поезд; размещение; путешествие.

Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

All over the world; to enjoy picturesque places; to try different food; shop windows; holiday-makers; views of mountains; all means of travelling; the most expensive; enjoyable; to prefer; foreign countries; the deck of the ship; to carry heavy suitcases; return tickets; to reserve accommodation; in the luggage-office; to look for.

Match the verbs from column A with the nouns from column B.


1) to spend 1) camera

2) to meet 2) route

3) to try 3) friends

4) to listen to 4) luggage

5) to study 5) the air

6) to take 6) holiday

7) to visit 7) food

8) to feel 8) people

9) to enjoy 9) geography

10) to make 10) countries

11) to change 11) the deck

12) to leave 12) rhythms

7. Ask your group mate:

1) if he/she likes to travel;

2) if he/she has travelled much;

3) what his/her favourite means of travelling are;

4) if he/she can drive;

5) where he/she prefers to stay during travelling;

6) if it is expensive to stay in a hotel;

7) where he/she travelled last summer;

8) how long it took him/her to get there;

9) what sights he/she saw there;

10) if he/she took a lot of things with him/her;

11) how he/she spent time there;

12) what the weather was like at the time;

13) if there were a lot of holiday-makers;

14) where he/she had meals;

15) if he/she enjoyed some company there;

16) if he/she is going there again.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1517 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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