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Exercise 3. a) Listen to the dialogues:. a) Listen to the dialogues:

a) Listen to the dialogues:

1) ACC: Speedbird 319. Be advised. Heavy thunderstorm in the vicinity of DK, moving south-east. Traffic avoided to the north.

АСFТ: Speedbird 319. Our radar indicates weather. Request avoid CB to the north.

ACC: Speedbird 319. Avoid CB to the north on your radar.

2) ACC: Tarom 207, be advised CB 30 km south - west of SH, moving north. Recommend avoid CB east of the airway on your radar.

ACFT: Tarom 207. Radar indicates weather. Will avoid CB east of the airway on my radar.

3) ACC: Air France 848. Thunderstorm in the vicinity of the aerodrome. Moving west. Aerodrome closed (for landing) for 30 minutes. Report your decision.

ACFT: Air France 848. Thunderstorm observed. Request holding pattern over AL.

4) ACC: Scandinavian 363. Be informed. Thunderstorm en-route 70 km ahead of you. Advise to avoid the thunderstorm left of route.

ACFT: Flying heading 110, Scandinavian 363.

5) ACC: Air Maroc 425. Front thunderstorm in the vicinity of SH crossing the airway west to east. Top cloud 8000 metres. Are you able to climb to FL 330 to avoid thunderstorm on top?

ACFT: Air Maroc 425. Affirm. Front thunderstorm observed. Accept FL 300.

ACC: Air Maroc 425. Climb to FL 330. Report flight conditions.

ACFT: Leaving FL 220, climbing to FL 330, light turbulence, VMC,

Air Maroc 425.

ACC: Air Maroc 425. Roger.

ACFT: Air Maroc 425. At FL 330. Above clouds, moderate turbulence.

ACC: Air Maroc 425, maintain FL 330.

ACFT: Maintaining FL 330, Air Maroc 425.

b) Listen to the dialogues again and take the controller’s part.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 336 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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