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Collision hazard information

When an identified controlled flight is observed to be on a conflicting path with an unknown aircraft deemed to constitute a collision hazard, the controlled flight shall, whenever practicable:

a) be informed of the unknown aircraft, if so requested by the controlled flight or, if in the opinion of the radar controller the situation warrants, a course of avoiding action should be suggested;

b) be notified when the conflict no longer exists. When an identified IFR flight operating outside controlled airspace is observed to be on a conflicting path with another aircraft, it should:

a) be informed as to the need for collision avoidance action to be initiated, if so requested by the situation warrants, a course of avoiding action should be suggested;

b) be notified when the conflict no longer exists.

REMEMBER! Information about traffic on a conflicting path should be given in the following form: 1) bearing of the conflicting traffic in the terms of the 12-hour clock; 2) distance from the conflicting traffic; 3) direction of flight of the conflicting traffic; 4) type of the aircraft and flight level.

MINI-TEST (p. 212, 5.9)

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions:

1) What is the callsign of the aircraft?

a) Air India 515;

b) Air India 555;

c) Air India 505;

d) Air India 015.

2) How many degrees must Air India 505 turn right?

a) 30°;

b) 45°;

c) 90°;

d) 60°.

3) What is the position of reported traffic?

a) 12 o’clock;

b) 10 o’clock;

c) 2 o’clock;

d) 11 o’clock.

4) Where does Air India have to resume own navigation to?

a) to OS;

b) to DS;

c) to SL;

d) to SO

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 265 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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