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Exercise 10

Pilots of an aircraft report the aircraft position data in the wrong order. Correct their messages.

1) ACFT: Speedbird 825, Newtown Control, FL 330, (at) 50 (over) SB, estimating O2.15 next position.

2) ACFT: Newtown Control, Scandinavian 315, (at) 01 over СS FL 370, estimating, what (аt) 55.

3) AСFТ: Air France 812, Newtown Control, passing ВС FL 220 at 25. EТA Georgetown 17.20.

3) N 326 AB Santa Monica Control FL 310 at 50 over Santa Monica ETO 0215 Jordan.

Exercise 11

Give the definitions to the expressions.

- пункт донесения;

- обязательный пункт донесения;

- необязательный пункт предоставления донесения;

- расчетное время прохождения следующего пункта донесения;

- расчетное время прилета на аэродром;

- опустите доклады о местонахождении до....

You can use dictionaries or use your own words.

Example: Reporting point. A specified geographical location in relation to which the position of an aircraft can be reported.

MINI-TEST (p. 211, 5.1)

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions:

1) What is the callsign of the aircraft?

a) Delta 856;

b) Delta 586;

c) Delta 756;

d) Delta 956.

2) What FL is the aircraft at?

a) FL 220;

b) FL 230;

c) FL 130;

d) FL 200.

3) What is the time of passing BS?

a) at 25;

b) at 28;

c) at 35;

d) at 22.

4) What is the estimated time over DN?

a) at 32;

b) at 23;

c) at 35;

d) at 30.

5) What is the next reporting point?

e) DF;

f) BF;

g) SF;

h) MS.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 211 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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