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Exercise 3. a) Listen to the dialogues and write down the data:

a) Listen to the dialogues and write down the data:

1) ACFT: Newtown Approach. Swissair 492, BW at 12 FL 260.

APP: Swissair 492, Newtown Approach. Descend to FL 160 to LH, no delay expected.

ACFT: Leaving FL 260. Descending to FL 160 to LH. Swissair 492.

ACFT: Swissair 492. FL 160.

2) ACFT: Newtown Approach, KLM 302. BW at 36, FL 140. Estimating LH 48. Information Delta.

APP: KLM 302, Newtown Approach. Descend to altitude 6000ft to LH. Expect ILS approach RW 24.

ACFT: Leaving FL 140 for altitude 6000ft to LH, KLM 302.

APP: KLM 302. Continue descent to altitude 5000ft, report reaching.

ACFT: Descending to altitude 5000ft. Will report reaching. KLM 302.

ACFT: KLM 302, LH at altitude 5000ft.

3) ACFT: Newtown Approach, Air France 273, FL 160.

APP: Air France 273, Newtown Approach. Identified 10 kilometres west of LH. Descend to altitude 5000ft.

ACFT: Leaving FL 160 for altitude 5000ft. Request straight-in ILS approach. Air France 273.

APP: Air France 273. Expect straight-in ILS approach RW 24.

ACFT: Straight-in ILS approach RW 24. Air France 273.

ACFT: Air France 273, LH at altitude 5000ft.

4) ACFT: Newtown Approach, Alitalia 244. DN FL 150.

APP: Alitalia 244, Newtown Approach. Descend to FL 130 to FU. Expect NDB approach RW 17 followed by circling to RW 23.

ACFT: Leaving FL 150 for FL 130 to FU. NDB approach RW 17, then RW 23. Alitalia 244.

APP: Alitalia 244. Correct. Report visual.

ACFT: Wilco, Alitalia 244.

ACFT: Approach, Alitalia 244. At altitude 9000ft. Ground in sight. Request VMC descent.

APP: Alitalia 244. Cleared VMC descent to altitude 5000ft. Report FU outbound.

ACFT: Leaving altitude 9000ft. Descending to altitude 5000ft. Alitalia 244.

ACFT: Approach, Alitalia 244. FU 34 altitude 5000ft.

APP: Alitalia 244. Report commencing procedure turn.

ACFT: Wildo. Alitalia 244.

b) Listen to the dialogues again and repeat the controller’s words.

c) Listen to the transmission and take the controller’s part.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 264 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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