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Exercise 4. Listen to the pilot’s words and give taxi instructions

Listen to the pilot’s words and give taxi instructions. Use the information given in the table below. Practice the exercise several times.

No Taxi instructions Taxiway Stand Number
  Take second left    
  Taxi straight ahead to the second intersection    
  Turn right to intersection    
  Taxi straight ahead    
  Taxi straight ahead to intersection, take first right    

1) ACFT: Newtown Ground, Air France 721, runway vacated.


ACFT: Second left, TW 6, stand 7, Air France 721.

2) ACFT: Newtown Ground, Delta 704, runway vacated.


ACFT: Straight ahead to the second intersection, stand 10 TW 2, Delta 704.

3) ACFT: Newtown Ground, Angola 676, runway vacated.


ACFT: Turn right, TW 3, stand 39, Angola 676.

4) ACFT: Newtown Ground, Alitalia 710, runway vacated.


ACFT: Straight ahead, TW 5, stand 12.

5) ACFT: Newtown Ground, Swissair 493, runway vacated.


ACFT: Straight ahead, first right, TW 8, stand 28, Swissair 493.

Exercise 5

Translate into Russian

Second left, taxiway 4, stand 7.

Taxiway 2, stand 10.

Turning right, taxiway 2, stand 39.

Taxiway 2, stand 12.

Straight ahead, first right, taxiway 2, stand 28.

Via A4 to P3, stand 31.

Turning left onto taxiway A1, via A6 to P6, stand 33.

Following the 747 on P6 to stand 35.

Request ‘Follow me.’

Green lights to intersection, stand 13.

Taxiing to flying club.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 276 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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