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Kong Mardy, 22, third-year student at Norton University

“I’ve been afraid of Cambodia’s harsh sun since I was young. But recently, in these past few years, I’ve noticed that the sun is getting stronger – causing harm and death. From what I’ve learnt, I can protect myself from the sun by staying in shaded areas. It’s good to avoid staying in the sun for long amounts of time, like when you’re riding a motorbike without protection such as a jacket, hat and sunglasses. I’m worried that we’re not doing enough as a country to tackle climate change.”
5. Pann Srey Poch, 21, second-year student at National University of Management

“Today, we’re faced with floods when rainy season comes. When rainy season arrives, my family prepares all of our necessary items for living and store it on high-ground so that they can survive a flood if it comes. My parents often buy canned food or noodles to store in case of a flooding emergency, as well. I grew up with flooding and I know how scary it is. Even now, I hold on to a superstition of buying melons in hope that it will protect us from the deadly snakes that come with the floods. ”


We suggest you do the vocabulary activity below before you listen. Then listen to the episode and do the first task to check your understanding. Finally, practice some vocabulary and grammar.

I. Match the words and phrases in the boxes to their definitions.

a. to take over b. to get around c. lazy
d. pitch e. traffic f. the tube


1. move from place to place

2. to take control of something

3. the London underground/subway system

4. cars and other vehicles on the road

5. not wanting to do any work

6. the field where football is played

II. Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F):

1. Tony isn’t at work because he is ill.

2. Harry has cycled in the café.

3. Harry plays football every day.

4. Johnny drives everywhere.

5. Magda thinks the public transport in London is good.

6. Johnny thinks cycling is safe in London.

7. Olivia is concerned about the planet.

8. Carlos is not very busy.

III. What are they thinking? Listen again, and see if you can match the thoughts with the characters who are thinking them.

Magda Harry Johnny Carlos
Magda Harry Johnny Olivia

1. ________: “Phew! I’m really busy!”

2. ________: “Public transport in London is a bit expensive but very good!”

3. ________: “I think saving the planet is really important – I wish people would try harder!”

4. ________: “I could use my bike to go to the football… but driving to the pitch is much easier”

5. ________: “I don’t want to cycle – it’s dangerous!”

6. ________: “I wish London had more parking spaces.”

7. _______: “I like taking the bus or tube because the weather in London is so bad.”

8. _______: “It’s not my job to stop pollution – I’ll leave it to scientists.”


Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 371 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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