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V. Keep a Water Diary for a week. Write down all the ways you use water. Estimate how many litres you use

VI. Translate into English:

Тисячі років Земля годувала і підтримувала нас. Але людина знищує свою планету. Люди будують електростанції і міста, вирубують ліси і вбивають тварин. Наші ріки, земля і повітря отруєні хімічними відходами. Забруднення навколишнього середовища небезпечно для людей і дикої природи. Передбачення вчених насторожують: це міжнародна катастрофа. Чому люди отруюють себе сигаретами, алкоголем, неякісною їжею? Давайте вирішувати ці проблеми разом!

VII. Tell your friend about vital environmental problems. Imagine that your friend knows very little about them. Discuss with your friend a plan for a clean-up day in your town/in your district.

VIII. Look back to the text. Find information about environmental problems. Make a presentation about those problems.


I. Read and learn the words and word-combinations used in the topic. Pay attention to the pronunciation of them:

desertification опустелювання
drought засуха
earthquake землетрус
flooding повінь
hurricane/ whirlwind- ураган
permafrost вічна мерзлота
reservoir водоймище
salinity солоність
sediment, precipitation опади
seismic sea wave/tsunami цунамі
volcano eruption виверження вулкана
living organisms живі організми
dangerous disasters небезпечні лиха
downpour злива
dam дамба
storm шторм
typhoon тайфун
tropical cyclone тропічний циклон
warming потепління
avalanche лавина, сніговий обвал
blizzard хуртовина
forest fire лісна пожежа
cyclone циклон
landslide зсув, обвал
heat wave період сильної спеки
tornado торнадо

II. Read the following information. Pay attention to the active vocabulary. Tell what natural disasters can occur in your country? When and where was the last one?

Natural disasters

Scientists understand a lot about the environment – but they don’t understand everything! Every year, there are big and small disasters in different parts of the world. Some of these happen very often, but some of them are a big shock. How do these natural disasters affect humans? Can we do anything about them?


What are they?

- Tropical storms with strong winds. They start at sea and can travel a long distance. They have different names in different places: “hurricanes” in the Atlantic Ocean, “typhoons” in the Pacific Ocean, “tropical cyclones” in the Indian Ocean and around Australasia.

- Tornadoes, or whirlwinds, are similar, but begin over land.

Why do they happen?

- The water evaporates from the warm sea. This condenses in the atmosphere. More and more hot, wet air rises up. It becomes a strong wind.

Where do they happen?

- Over the warm parts of oceans. Tornadoes are common in parts of the USA, Australia, and Japan.

How do they affect people?

- They can affect ships, blow down houses, cause floods and disrupt traffic.

What can people do?

- Scientists can usually track hurricanes, but they cannot stop them.


What are they?

- The water in rivers, lakes or the ocean rises above its normal level and goes onto the land.

Why do they happen?

- If there is a lot of rain, or very strong winds, floods can happen.

Where do they happen?

- Some rivers in Bangladesh and India flood every year.

- People expect it, so there is no panic. When the floods go down, there are lots of minerals in the soil. They can grow good plants.

How do they affect people?

- When the floods are a surprise, many people can drown.

- Every year, people lose their houses and their furniture.

- When floods happen every year, some people are the ready for them. But many people (and governments) do not prepare properly.

What can people do?

- Dams can reduce floods – but some dams can cause them! There are often “flood warnings” on the radio.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 647 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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