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Read and translate the postcard

  Dear Mom and Dad,   I hope you are well. We’re staying at a lovely hotel near the beach. We get up late every day and have a large breakfast. Then we lie around all morning, swimming and reading. After lunch – siesta! Then it’s more swimming and a late supper. Paradise! Tomorrow we’re going to Isla Mujeres. The Mediterranean Sea is wonderful and the weather hot.   See you soon,   Love Mary     Name   Address   City   Country  

11. Now choose a vacation destination and write your own postcard describing hotel, free-time activities, food and drink, weather and climate.

Dear, _________________ Love,       Name   Address   City   Country  

12. Say the opposite using the prefix –un.

1. It’s usual for Dave to be late. 2. It is common for students to have bank loans. 3. It is socially acceptable for parents to leave children alone at that age.4. We were quite accustomed to working in a team. 5. Strong colours are very fashionable at the moment. 6. This food is healthy. 7. She is married. 8. Dawn was well qualified for this job. 9. His illness is related to the accident. 10. Young people are so sociable these days.

13. Translate the sentences using to run (into).

1. Вчора я випадково зустрів його у їдальні. 2. Містер Сміт керує заводом 30 років. 3. Раніше тут ходили трамваї. 4. У нас закінчився хліб. 5. Як часто тут ходять автобуси? 6. Цей автобус курсує між Лондоном та Оксфордом. 7. Ця дорога йде вгору. 8. Тут колись протікала річка. 9. Ця вистава йшла місяць. 10. Двигун працює погано.

14. Match a verb in column A with a word / phrase in column B.

- to pack - an application form
- to save up for - your holiday in advance
- to apply for - in the bank
- to book - your suitcase
- to fill in - how much food you’ll need
- to put your money - a new job
- to work out - a new car

Holiday English. Do the quiz.

1. When you arrive at the airport, the first thing you do is go to __________.

a) reception

b) the check-in desk

c) the departure lounge

d) the arrival desk

2. It’s boring going on holiday with you, all you want to do is __________ on the beach.

a) take the sun

b) sunbathe

c) take a sun bath

d) sun bath

3. Which of the following is NOT holiday accommodation?

a) A guesthouse

b) A youth hostel

c) A B & B

d) A kennel

4. I love going away, but there’s no place like __________.

a) house

b) the office

c) home

d) my bed

5. The nearest town was 80 km away, I mean really in the middle of _________.

a) nowhere

b) somewhere

c) anywhere

d) everywhere

Write your opinion.

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

To gain strength to benefit from to stimulate to picture intelligence smart


The Present Perfect. Tag-questions. Society and Politics

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 319 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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