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Describe the pictures

Art. Do the quiz.

1. There’s a free __________ of the artist’s work in the art gallery next month.

a) exhibition

b) trade fair

c) advert

d) proposal

2. It’s difficult to say exactly what it’s a picture of. There’s a lot of colour but there’s no clear image. It’s __________ painting.

a) a portrait

b) a landscape

c) an abstract

d) a realistic

3. This artist works with iron and steel. She makes __________ out of metal.

a) pottery

b) sculptor

c) sculptural

d) sculptures

4. This is __________ of a wealthy merchant in Venice painted more than 300 years ago.

a) a facsimile

b) a portrait

c) a statue

d) a photocopy

5. I love the __________ of the this piece. You know, the way the artist has used colour, light and his materials to create this beautiful image.

a) companion

b) commission

c) composition

d) cosmopolitan

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 368 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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