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Molten, stiffness, liberate, malleable, feature, common, abundant, bound

1. For a long time people did not know how to … iron from ores.

2. Copper ore is relatively ….

3. The oxidation potential shows how tightly … to the ore the metal is.

4. Copper by itself was too soft for tools requiring ….

5. Another … of gold is that it is workable as it is found.

6. When tin was added into the … copper, bronze appeared.

7. Copper smelting became … in the Middle East around 6,000 BC.

8. Gold is the most … of all metals.

7. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of Passive Voice. Find the examples of Passive Voice in the text:

1. Plastics can be shaped into any form.

2. Much attention has been focused on nanotechnology recently.

3. With the help of these technologies new materials with the desired properties will be created.

4. Hardness of steel is directly related to the amount of carbon present.

5. Copper alloys have been known for a long time.

6. Iron must be alloyed with various proportions of carbon in order to obtain steel.

7. Metals are usually tested for tensile strength and elongation.

8. We use steel for products where great strength is required.

9. Wear of steel products can be increased by the addition of manganese to steel.

10. AAlloy steel can be made by adding some alloying elements.

11. DDifferent metals have been produced by people in different ways.

12. MMalleable iron castings are being increasingly used in industry.

  1. Disagree with the following statements. Prove your reason. Use the expressions: I’m afraid that’s wrong…; On the contrary…
  1. Everyone knows when people began to work metals.
  2. Heating is necessary to liberate gold from rock.
  3. Gold is not workable because it is very hard.
  4. The earliest tools were made of bronze.
  5. Gold has very high oxidation potential.
  6. Bronze appeared when lead was added into the molten copper.
  7. The stiffness of bronze was much lower than that of copper.
  8. Remnants of ancient mines show that metalworking first appeared in the north of America.
  1. Look through the text and answer the questions:

1. Can iron occur in pure state in the ground? Why?

2. Where was iron first extracted from iron ore?

3. Why was it more difficult to produce iron than to produce copper?

4. What is steel?

Life seems impossible now without iron, the cheapest and most important metal we use. Iron is extracted from a rocky material called iron ore. Like many elements, iron is too reactive to exist on its own in the ground. Instead, it combines with other elements, especially oxygen, in ores. The chemical process for extracting a metal from its ore is called smelting.

The first people who discovered how to extract iron from iron ore were the Hittites, a powerful group of people living in Asia Minor and Syria -south of the Black Sea. They kept the process a closely guarded secret.

The Egyptians, for example, had to pay the Hittites in gold five times the weight of iron, and once deceived them with lumps of bronze covered with a thin layer of gold.

The smelting of iron was the most important metallurgical development. Iron ore is plentiful all over the world but a long time elapsed before iron was produced. The reason was that the furnaces used to smelt copper were not hot.

Sometimes the early iron-workers, or smiths, accidentally produced a steel article instead of an iron one. Steel is iron with a small percentage of carbon in it. The carbon came from the fuel in the furnace in which the iron was heated. The smiths later learned from experience how to introduce this carbon when they wanted to produce steel.

  1. Translate the following text in writing. Use a dictionary. Find answers to the questions:

1. When did human metallurgy appear?

2. When did the Bronze and Iron Ages begin?

3. What was the contribution of the Chinese into the development of metallurgy?

4. What did Georg Agricola describe in his 16th century book?

Metallurgy is a domain of materials science that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements, their intermetallic compounds, and their mixtures, which are called alloys. Metallurgy is commonly used in the craft of metalworking.

The first evidence of human metallurgy dates from the 5th and 6th millennium BC, and was found in the archaeological sites in Serbia. These examples include a copper axe from 5,500 BC. Other signs of human metallurgy were found from the third millennium BC in Portugal, Spain, and United Kingdom. However, new discoveries are continuous and ongoing.

Silver, copper, tin and meteoric iron can also be found native, allowing a limited amount of metalworking in early cultures. Egyptian weapons made from meteoric iron in about 3,000 BC were highly prized as "Daggers from Heaven". However, by learning to get copper and tin by heating rocks and combining those two metals to make an alloy called bronze, the technology of metallurgy began about 3,500 BC with the Bronze Age.

The extraction of iron from its ore into a workable metal is much more difficult. It was invented by the Hittites in about 1,200 BC, beginning the Iron Age. Historical developments in ferrous metallurgy can be found in a wide variety of past cultures and civilizations. This includes the ancient and medieval kingdoms and empires of the Middle East and Near East, ancient Egypt, and Turkey, the Greeks and Romans of ancient Europe, medieval Europe, ancient and medieval China, ancient and medieval India. Of interest to note is that many applications, practices, and devices associated or involved in metallurgy were possibly established in ancient China before Europeans mastered those crafts (such as the innovation of the blast furnace, cast iron, steel). However, modern research suggests that Romans were experts in hydraulic mining methods well before the Chinese, or any other civilization of the time.

A 16th century book by Georg Agricola called "De re metallica" describes the highly developed and complex processes of mining metal ores, metal extraction and metallurgy of the time. Agricola has been described as the "father of metallurgy".

Unit 5

  1. Memorize the following words:
current resistance impurity conversion volume capacity pressure contract transfer cool absorb boil increase decrease substance depend upon conduct conductor conductivity unit per-unit density expand coating composition boundary contain ток сопротивление примесь преобразование объем способность давление сжиматься передавать охлаждать поглощать кипеть увеличиваться уменьшаться вещество зависеть от проводить проводник проводимость единица на единицу плотность расширяться покрытие состав граница, линия раздела содержать струм опір домішка перетворення об’єм здатність тиск стискуватися передавати охолоджувати поглинати кипіти збільшуватися зменшуватися речовина залежати від проводити провідник провідність одиниця на одиницю щільність розширюватися покриття склад межа, лінія розділення містити
  1. Practise the reading of the following words:

transfer, increase, decrease, contract, conversion, resistance, impurities, current, unit, conduct, conductivity, thermal, expansion, physical, colour, capacity, lustre, oxide, porosity, pore, porous, quality, hydraulic pressure, lightweight, wire, associated, alloy, ferromagnetic, generator.

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