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Dropping Point

· It is the temperature at which the grease is fluid enough to drip. Grease with a dropping point below the operating temperature would not provide proper lubricant. However, the converse is not necessarily true; a dropping point above operating temperature is no guarantee of adequate lubrication since there may be change in consistency and deterioration in chemical properties of the grease at high temperatures.

In Europe, as well as in the US, regulations and laws have been enacted in the recent years which greatly affect the formulation of metalworking fluids. The industry using these fluids is continuously searching for better-performing cutting fluids, which have to be formulated using a certain amount of many different additives. On the other side, industry, employee unions and government enforce the trends for a healthy and safe work environment, as well as disposal aspects influencing the global environment. These trends have already affected the formulation of cutting fluids in Europe and the US as follows: removal of nitrite; replacing diethanolamine and replacing short chain chlorinated paraffins. This is already happening in Europe and may happen in the future in the US. All these removals and replacements have to be realized with the goal not to affect adversely the performance of the metalworking fluids.

Environment and health aspects:

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 144 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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