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Ex 6. Read the text and answer the questions

So what can go wrong?

Sadly, an increasing number of people, especially young adults, use medicines, drugs and other preparations for different purposes. This has led to drug abuse which is a growing problem in our society. Even in sport some men and women are taking drugs to improve their performance. Many sports authorities now have to carry out routine tests on blood and urine samples of sports people to make sure that they are not taking unnecessary drugs.

The medicines in Table 2 are sometimes available on prescription from doctors but only for sound medical reasons. It is illegal to obtain them without prescription. Taking products like these regularly without a doctor's guidance and in large quantities can cause addiction and may even lead to early death. Chapters 4 and 5 give more information about the problems of drug abuse.

Why do people take drugs?

Most of us have taken medicines at some time, either prescribed by a doctor or bought from the chemist. But why do people take drugs when there is no clear medical reason for doing so, in other words, when they do not seem ill?

1. Why do people take drugs without any medical reason?

2. Is drug abuse dangerous?

3. Why do sports authorities carry out blood and urine tests?

1. Rebellion
2. Relief from worry or depression
3. Fear of missing out/ losing face
4. Curiosity
5. Boredom and frustration
6. Attention seeking
7. Search for self-knowledge
8. Pleasure

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 718 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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