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Choosing an Analgesic

Over-the-counter analgesics – Aspirin

medications indicated for the relief of Aspirin has been used for many years

mild-to-moderate pain – represent one to relieve mild-to-moderate pain, and

of the largest categories of to reduce fever. Aspirin can be also

nonprescription medications, and found in many other over-the-counter

therefore offer a wide choice of products. products such as cold and sinus

What are the three most common medications. So be sure to read the

kinds of nonprescription ingredients portion of the label,

analgesics? especially if your doctor has told you

to avoid a specific ingredient, such as


Acetaminophen About Aspirin

Acetaminophen is used to relief Aspirin can cause stomach irritation

mild-to-moderate pain and reduce and sometimes bleeding. If you have

fever. Acetaminophen can be found in an ulcer, experience bleeding

many over-the-counter cold and sinus disturbances, or are taking an arthritis

medications. or blood-thinning medication, you

should avoid aspirin use. Many

About Acetaminophen… doctors advice their patients to take

Acetaminophen (Extra Strength low-dose aspirin to help reduce the

TYLENOL) is rarely associated with risk of heart attack or stroke. Your

side effects, and is unlikely to cause doctor has chosen this therapy

the gastric irritation that can be caused because it has been shown to reduce

be aspirin, aspiring containing the risk of heart attack or stroke. For

products, or even ibuprofen. Extra the greatest success, your doctor’s

Strength TYLENOL, a single- instructions must be followed closely.

ingredient analgesic, is also less likely Everyday, take only the amount of

to interact with other medications you aspirin your doctor has recommended.

may be taking. Like aspiring and

ibuprofen, acetaminophen can be

found in many over-the-counter cold

and sinus medications. If you are

under your doctor’s care and taking

any medications, prescription and/or

over-the-counter, seek your doctor’s advice.

Ex.1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя следующие слова:

Mild - слабый

moderate -умеренный

to offer - предлагать

reduce fewer - снизить жар

cold and sinus medications -лекарства от простуды и


is unlikely to cause - вряд ли вызовет

to interact - взаимодействовать

blood-thinning medication - лекарство, разжижжающее


stroke - инсульт

Ex.2. Найдите в тексте информацию о:

а) Цели применения анальгетиков;

б) о побочных действиях ацетаминофена;

в) чем аспирин опасен?

г) показания к применению аспирина.

Ex.3. Скажите, какую информацию вы получили о ацитоминафене и аспирине.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 436 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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