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Exercise 2. Complete. Use the correct form of the verbs (the gerund, the infinitive, the participle)

A. Drugs …

The international ______ of drugs is an traffick

extremely _____ international phenomenon, DAMAGE

_______ all nations, but particularly AFFECT

________ those societies and people IMPACT

who are most vulnerable to exploitation

by _______ criminal groups. It may ORGANIZE

______ at risk initiatives ________ _____ PUT, DESIGN

economic and social property. PROMOTE

B. Tobacco…

WCO statistics demonstrate that tobacco

and cigarette smuggling, _______ counterfeit INCLUDE

cigarette seizures, remains a _____ global GROW

problem. The Customs and Tobacco report

presents an analysis of all ______ seizures REPORT

and overviews the initiatives _______ UNDERTAKE

______this lucrative illegal trade. It COUNTERACT

suggests that efforts should _______ MOBILIZE

______ the empire of fraud and deceit. COMBAT


The production of counterfeit and _______ PIRATE

products continue ______ at an alarming GROW

rate _______ intolerable proportion. The REACH

new WCO Program was ____ with PRODUCE

the main objective of _____ the consumer INFORM

about the real dangers of these products

and ___ their awareness about the criminal RAISE

industry that is ______ in this illegal INVOLVE


Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 279 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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