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Exercise 12. Translate from English into Russian

1. The importance of protecting intellectual property rights received recognition through the increase in the world trade.

2. International carriers support the lawenforcement bodies in their efforts to prevent smugglers from using their ships and planes.

3. To carry out your duties in an efficient manner it is worth while bearing in mind the Code of behaviour.

4. We look forward to our meeting and discussing the details of the operation.

5. Free Economic Zones are a means of providing favourable conditions for the development of foreign trade.

6. New Customs Narcotics Strategy will result in effective targeting of high-risk travelers and cargo.

7. The agreement includes design works and rendering technical assistance.

8. Most addicts introduce others into the habit of taking drugs.

9. The mission can be accomplished by taking enforcement actions.

10. We have pleasure in sending you our offer for the construction of a bonded warehouse.

11. Many countries keep on exercising different tariff systems.

12. The Program also includes working with the trade community in providing information on potential illegal activities.

13. The Government should begin developing programs to help in persuading our youth to avoid drugs.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 285 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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