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Exercise 6. Complete the sentences using gerunds

1. I dream of ____________.

2. There are different ways of __________________.

3. I am in the habit of ___________________.

4. Now I realize the importance of ________________.

5. I see no danger /difficulty/ harm in _______________.

6. I’d like to give up _____________________.

7. I always try to avoid ___________________.

8. I can’t stand _________________________.

9. I feel like ___________________________.

10. It is no good ________________________.

11. It is worth while ______________________.

12. I can’t help _________________________.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences using the gerunds of the given verbs.

1. My uniform is quite clean. It doesn’t

want ____________ yet. wash

2. The grass in the garden is very dry.

It wants _________________ badly. water

3. The house is old. It needs _____________. paint

4. She is famous. She doesn’t need

________________ herself. introduce

5. The windows are dirty. They need _______. clean

6. That metal detector is out of order.

It needs ________. repair

7. The computer is out of date. It needs _______. upgrade

8. The bin is full. It needs __________. empty

9. The dog is tired. It needs ________. feed

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 440 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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