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What is to be done with the Sea of Azov

The Sea of Azov is located in the south of thе Russia and is connected with the Black Sea by the Kerch Strait.

In terms of surface area, the Azov is small – only 38,000 sq. km, and its average depth (eight meters) makes it unlike most seas. But that is why, it is warmed through by the sun.

For centuries the Don and Kuban rivers have been pouring into the sea an annual total amount over 40 cubic kilometers of water rich in biogenous compounds of nitrogen, phosphorous, silicon and other substances.

The problem the Sea of Azov is only 30 years old. The sea's basin has valuable fertile lands. Intensive agricultural and industrial development and population growth required a lot of fresh water. By the late of 1960s the annual runoffs of the Don and Kuban dropped by a shocking 10-15 cubic kilometers.

Obeying the. law of communicating vessels, through the Kerch Strait the waters of the Black Sea poured into the Sea of Azov. They brought hundreds of millions of tons of salts, which abruptly altered the sea's biological regime. Together with the salts came voracious jelly - fish -dangerous rivals in plantation consumption.

The sea's salinity climbed threateningly, in some parts reaching 14 gramms of salt per litres of water whereas it had never arisen above 10 gramms before.

Scientists and economists sounded the alarm. Some researchers expressed the fear that if measures were not taken, the Sea of Azov could degenerate into a swamp.

Some diving is done in order to solve puzzles, some of them tragic. For instance, many sturgeons were found dead on the sea floor. Analyses showed that there was sufficient oxygen in water so what was the problem? It was discovered that the culprit was the some Black Sea water,brought by the currents: being very salty, it freezes at a lower temperature. And since the Azov had not yet acquired an ice crust, the water had cooled to the very bottom. In the fish's gills and swimming bladder scientists found little ice crystals, which had caused asphyxia.

Operation "jelly-fish" is also under way. In the warms hallow Sea of Azov this unwelcome guest multiplied to catastrophic levels, posing a threat not to sea alone. There are numerous sanatoriums and holiday homes on the coast. Meanwhile, it had become disgusting to bathe in the sea, which had turned into a jelly-like soup.

It was proposed that organic matter may be put to economic use. It
was discovered that after processing the jelly-fish could serve as high-
calorie livestock fodder. In addition, the gelatinous mass goes into the
manufacture of sturdy binding material, needed in the construction


fish's gills - жабры рыб

jelly-fish - медуза

swimming bladder - плавательный пузырь (у рыб)


fodder - корм для скота, фураж

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1. Geographical position and natural features of the Sea of Azov.

2. Troubles of the Azov.

3. The role of the black Sea water in the troubles of the Sea Azov.

4.The operation "jelly-fish".

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Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 408 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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