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How can the Aral Sea be saved?

The gradual disappearance of the Aral Sea is one of our gravest ecological problems. Its level is now 11 metres lower then it used to be,while the sea itself has retreated 15 to 65 km from its former shores. It now has 60 per cent less water, and every litres of this water contains as much as 25 grammes of salt. According to same forecasts the sea will disappear by 2010 entirely.

The cause is a senseless overuse of water. The irrigated area in the sea's basin has grown to more then 6,8 million hectares,which has resulted in a dwindling of the annual flow of the Amudarya down to 1-2 cu km per year and that of the Syrdarya to nought. Cotton has become virtually the only crop grown in Uzbekistan and in addition to billions of rubes has swallowed the waters of the Aral as well.

What can be done to correct the situation? This question was discussed at a press conference in Alma-Ata.

Its sponsor is a new public organization – Committee to save the Aral Sea and Lake Balkhash (the situation is unfavorable at the latter area, too). Among its members are about 80 writers, scientists, heads of ministries and department of Kazakhstan. Who was to blame for this neglet of the sea and the lake?

Why was the unnecessary Grand Alma-Ata Canal built in defiance of public opinion?

It was found out that a reconstruction of cotton may release up to 40 cu km of water. The other version is to stop planting cotton altogether for a year and return water to the sea. There are other projects, too.

Until calculations are made and the matter discussed, the public, in its own way, is expressing concern for the latter of the reservoirs. Account # 1700979 was opened at the State Bank. Money from this account will be sent to save them. Among those,who are making a contribution,are writer Chingiz Aitmatov, poet Yevgey Yevtushenko and other. Entire organizations and enterprises are joining this movement.


to neglect, n – пренебрегать

in defiance of – в нарушение

to dwindle – уменьшать, истощать

disaster – бедствие

unfavorable – неблагоприятный

later – последний (из двух)

to swallow – глотать

to blame – винить

to express concern – выразить беспокойство

to retreat – отступать

2.Ответьте на вопросы.

What is one of the gravest ecological problems of our time?

How is the level of sea lower nowadays?

Why will the Aral Sea be able to disappear by the year 2010?

Why are the central Asian rivers Amudarya and Syrdarya no longer supplying water to the Aral Sea?

Who is to blame for this situation?

What is it necessary to do in order to improve the situation?

3. Предложите свое решение проблемы Аральского моря.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 624 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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