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Lesson 2

Unit 1.



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Water is an important part of nature, which surrounds us. Water is more essential to a man’s life than food. There is no life without water. The great importance of water was realized by our remote ancestors. That’s why their settlements were always situated on the banks of rivers and lakes. The location of human settlements and the well - being of the people depended on the distance from the source of water.

Man can live as long as ninety days or more without food, but we cannot live long without water.

Where can water be found?

Everywhere. The seas and oceans, rivers and lakes cover about seventeenths of the Earth’s, surface.

Where else can you find water?

Water is also contained in the soil, in the atmosphere and in all living things more than half of the human body consists of water. Water also forms a large part of the food we eat, especially vegetables and fruit.

Water exists as a substance in three states: ice, liquid water, steam. Ice melts at 0˚ degree Centigrade. Steam is formed at 100 ˚C.

Water is one of the most important of all chemical substances. It is a major constituent of living matter and of all environment in which we live.

The formula of water is H2O. The constituent parts of water are hydrogen and oxygen.

Water was thought by the ancients to be an element. H. Cavendish in 1701 showed that water is formed then hydrogen is burnt. And A. Lavoisier first recognized that water in a compound of the two elements- hydrogen and oxygen.

Water differs from all other liquids i.e. its physical properties are strikingly different from these of other substances.

Water expends when cooled from 0 ˚С. It contracts when heated from 0 to 4˚С. Water reaches its maximum density at 40 ˚С.


To surround – окружать.

Essential, important – важный.

To realize – осознать.

Settlement – поселение.

Ancestor – предки.

Well- being – благосостояние.

To depend on – зависеть от.

To contain – содержать.

Melt – таять.

Constituent- составная часть

Recognize- узнавать, признавать


To differ-отличаться

Strikingly-удивительно, поразительно

To contract-сжиматься

To burn - (burnt)-гореть

To expand-расширять

2.Ответьте на вопросы

1. Is water an important part of nature?

2. Is water a substance?

3. In what states does water exist?

4. Is water essential than food?

5. Can man life without water?

6. Where can water be found?

7. At what degrees of C is water formed ice?

8. At what degrees of C is steam formed?

9. Do you realize the importance of water for man?

10. How long can man live without water?

11. What part of the Earth's surface does water cover?

12. What is the formula of water?

13. What are the constituent parts of water?

14. What did Cavendish show in 1781?

15. What did Zavoisier first recognize?

16. Does water differ from all other liquids?

17. When does water expand?

18. When does water contract?

19. When does water reach its density?

3.Переведите на английский язык

1. Мы не можем жить без воды.

2. Вода – важная часть природы, которая нас окружает.

3. Наши предки понимали это и поэтому строили свои дома по берегам рек.

4. Наше благосостояние зависит от воды.

5. Человек может жить без пищи 90 дней, но без воды человек не может жить.

6. Вода содержится в почве, воздухе, атмосфере, живых организмах, во фруктах и овощах.

7. 7/10 поверхности Земли покрыто водой.

8. Вода имеет три состояния: лед, жидкость, пар.

9. Лед тает при 0 ˚С.

10. Пар образуется при 100 ˚С.

11.Вода является составной частью живой материи, а также важным химическим веществом.

12.Формула воды H2O.

13.Составные части воды - водород и кислород.

14.Впервые Лавуазье' признал, что вода это соединение двух элементов – водорода и кислорода

15.Вода отличается от других жидкостей своими физическими свойствами.

16.Вода расширяется при 0 °C.

17.Она достигает своей максимальной плотности при 40 °С.

Lesson 2

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

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