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No need to reinvent the wheel

While it's true that the more personalized a letter of recommendation is the more effective it will probably be. And it's true that writing a letter, any letter, involves a certain amount of creativity. It's also true that in terms of their underlying dynamics, what they cover and how they are organized-- letters of recommendation are almost always the same. In other words, good recommendation letters are highly formulaic. So, approaching your letter from this context will not only make your writing easier-- it will make your recommendation more useful.

Put yourself in the reader's shoes

The reader of your letter will most likely have read hundreds of recommendations before, and will have only limited time to devote to it.

The business reader will have the applicant's resume. The academic reader will have the applicant's transcript and his or her standardized test scores. Additionally, both types of readers will have the opportunity to interview their respective candidate. What they need from you are four things:

· A sense that your credentials are meaningful and therefore what you say in your letter is worth listening to;

· A sense that you know the candidate well enough to form sound judgments;

· A sense of whether or not you are vouching for the candidate;

· Insights into the candidate's personal dimensions. Insights that cannot be gleaned from a resume or transcript, and often not from an interview.

These four items form the underlying dynamics of recommendation letters. Include all four in your letter, make them easily discernable, and you will have accomplished your task.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 167 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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