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How to Write Resume in English

You resume introduces you to potential employers. Putting together a resume is very serious business. Often it is the first impression you will make on a prospective employer. Hopefully, after looking over your resume, the employer will grant you the opportunity to make a second impression.

Writing a resume in English can be very different than in your native tongue. The following how to outlines a standard resume format.

Here's How:

1. First, take notes on your work experience - both paid and unpaid, full time and part time. Write down your responsibilities, job title and company information. Include everything!

2. Take notes on your education. Include degree or certificates, major or course emphasis, school names and courses relevant to career objectives.

3. Take notes on other accomplishments. Include membership in organizations, military service and any other special accomplishments.

4. From the notes, choose which skills are transferable (skills that are similar) to the job you are applying for - these are the most important points for your resume.

5. Begin resume by writing your full name, address, telephone number, fax and email at the top of the resume.

6. Write an objective. The objective is a short sentence describing what type of work you hope to obtain.

7. Begin work experience with your most recent job. Include the company specifics and your responsibilities - focus on the skills you have identified as transferable.

8. Continue to list all of your work experience job by job progressing backwards in time. Remember to focus on skills that are transferable.

9. Summarize your education, including important facts (degree type, specific courses studied) that are applicable to the job you are applying for.

10. Include other relevant information such as languages spoken, computer programming knowledge etc. under the heading: Additional Skills.

11. Finish with the phrase: REFERENCES Available upon request.

12. Your entire resume should ideally not be any longer than one page. If you have had a number of years of experience specific to the job you are applying for, two pages are also acceptable.

13. Spacing: ADDRESS (center of page in bold) OBJECTIVE double space EXPERIENCE double space EDUCATION double space ADDITIONAL SKILLS double space REFERENCES. Left align everything except name/address.

Also you must determine what type of resume format to use. There are three basic types: chronological, functional, and a combination of the two. The following sections will explain what each of these types are and when to choose one type over another.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 404 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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