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Four Dimensions of Personality Type

How we-interact with the world and where we direct our energy:
(E) Extraverts Introverts (I)
Are energized by being with other people. Are energized by spending time alone.
Like being the centre of attention. Avoid being the centre of attention.
Act, then think. Think then act.
Tend to think out aloud. Think of things through inside their heads.
Share personal information freely. Are more private; prefer to share personal information with a selected few.
Talk more then listen. Listen more than talk.
Communicate with enthusiasm. Keep their enthusiasm to themselves.
Respond quickly, enjoy a fast pace. Respond after taking the time to think.
Prefer breadth to depth. Prefer depth to breadth.
The kind of information we naturally notice:
(S) Sensors Intuitives (N)
Trust what is certain and concrete. Trust inspiration and assumption.
Like new ideas only if they have practical applications. Like new ideas and concepts for their own sake.
Value realism and common sense. Value imagination and innovation.
Like to use and develop established skills. Like to learn new skills.
Tend to be specific and literal; give detailed descriptions. Tend to be general and figurative.
Present information in a step-by-step manner. Present information through leaps, in a roundabout manner.
Are oriented to the present. Are oriented toward the future.
How we make decisions:
(T) Thinkers Feelers (F)
Step back, apply impersonal analysis to problems. Step forward, consider effect of actions on others.
Value logic, justice, and fairness; one standard for all. Value empathy; see the exceptions to the rule.
Naturally see flaws and tend to be critical. Naturally like to please others; show appreciation easily.
May be seen as heartless, insensitive, and uncaring. May be seen as overemotional, illogical, and weak.
Consider it more important to be truthful than tactful. Consider it more important to be tactful as well as truthful.
Are motivated by a desire for achievement and accomplishment. Are motivated by a desire to be appreciated.
Whether we prefer to live in a more structured world (making decisions) or in a more spontaneous way (taking the information):
(J) Judgers Perceivers (P)
Are happiest after decisions have been made. Are happiest leaving their options open.
Have a "work ethics": work first, play later. Have a "play ethics": enjoy now, finish the job later.
See goals and work toward achieving them on time. Change goals as new information becomes available.
Preferknowing what they are getting into. Like adapting to new situations.
Are product oriented (emphasis is on the completing the task). Are process oriented (emphasis is on how the task is being completed).
Derive satisfaction from finishing projects. Derive satisfaction from starting projects.
See time as a finite resource and take deadlines seriously. See time as a renewable resource, consider deadlines as elastic.

Now when you have estimated your personality according to four dimensions, find and read about your type in the application given below The name of your type must have four capital letters (e.g. ESFJ or INTP)

Remember: knowing the particular strengths and weaknesses of your type can give a tremendous advantage in your job search campaign - starting with research of the vacancy, writing your resume, and participating in a job interview. Being able to focus on your assets will make you a successful job searcher.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 209 | Нарушение авторского права страницы

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