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V. Reading Activities. - What do you know about steroids?

a) Pre-reading Stage.

- What do you know about steroids?

- Are they dangerous for the human’s health? Why? Discuss this with your partner.

b) While-reading Stage.

- Skim through the text “ The dangers of Steroids” (p. 117-118) and define its main idea, choose the key sentences.

c) Post-reading Stage.

- Read the text closely and divide it into three logical parts. Entitle each of the parts using the key sentences.

- Answer the questions to the text. Choose the answer below.

1. What do steroids supposedly do and what do they really do? (Take into account the statement from the article).

2. What are synthetic variations of the male hormone intended to?

3. What are the legitimate uses of the steroids in medical practice?

4. Why does the article state that “ the risk … far outweighs any benefit”?

a) to help the body store nitrogen; b) build up muscle, store and restore energy;

c) because steroids cause atrophy of the testicles and diminished sperm count, hepatomas, growth of breast tissue in a male; d) to provide an extra boost for healing anemia and osteoporosis.

- Find in the text English equivalents of the following word combinations.

Анаболічний стероїд, виготовлення, слабкий, ясність (наочність), атрофія, пухлина, гематома, завдавати значної шкоди, спричиняти появу вугрів, підвищувати розвиток м’язів.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 178 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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