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IV. Vocabulary Practice

1. - Label the Picture. Use the words given below.

    a) external appearance of left lung b) larynx c) Soft palate d) rib cage e) nasal cavity f) esophagus g) pharynx h) epiglottis j) diaphragm k) interior of right lung, showing the branching of the bronchial tree l) trachea


- Speak about the process of breathing using the picture.

2. Find the English equivalents for the Latin term.

a) Nasus, i m oxygen

b) Cavum, i n abdominal

c) Mucosus, a, um thoracic

d) Nasalis, e. carbon

e) Membrana, ae f cavity

f) Oxygenium, i n nose

g) Carbo, onis m mucous

h) Thoracalis, e nasal

i) Abdominalis, e membrane

3. Read and memorize the clinical terms. Ex. 7 p.65.

4. Scrambled words

Decode the words from the mixed letters.

Asavil, cumsu, enaopa, hpoargio, luctnotiosua, oietygol, aixreyp, sitinotirep.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 340 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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