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Reading Activities

a) Pre-reading Stage.

- Translate the following words and word-combinations.Use your dictionary.

Record, technique, involve, bouncing sound waves, frequency, equipment, cost, weight, blood platelets, coagulation.

b) While-reading Stage.

- Do additional information pertaining to the theme under review (Ex. 4 p. 27-28)

c) Post-reading Stage.

- Comment upon the content of each dictionary article separatly.

- Choose the proper terms for the definitions:

1. The fluid part of blood, as distinguished from corpuscles, used for translation.

2. Red corpuscles of blood.

3. White corpuscles of blood.

4. A group of very powerful hormones or hormonelike substances, found especially in semen and in menstrual fluid, that may be involved in control of blood pressure and other important body processes.

5. The process in a plant or animal by which living tissue is changed into waste products of a simpler chemical composition, the process of converting food into energy.

6. An important protein in erythrocytes which helps to carry the oxygen.

7. A waste product of catabolism of food in cells.

8. The function of these leukocytes is defense of the body against bacteria by means of phagocytosis.

9. Cells with a very large nucleus which ingest and destroy foreign material

10. Tiny cells which are necessary for blood clotting.

(a – polys; b – monocytes; c – platelets; d – prostaglandin; e – plasma; f – erythrocytes; g – leukocytes; h – catabolism; i – hemoglobin; j – carbon dioxide (CO²))

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 281 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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