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Task 5.Translate the given sentences into Russian, close your book and translate them back into English

1. This year is the crucial one in my life because Ihave left school. It's not an easy task to make the right choice.

2. Someone goes further in his education and enter an institute, university or college. Others can start their working career or go into business.

3. There are a huge number of professions to choose. But we should take our time while choosing our future career.

4. To become a good doctor, you must be patient, easygoing and smart. A graduate from the MedicalAcademy may choose his place of work and occupation from a number of possible ones.

5. I want to help people, who have health problems. I know that a doctor should be kind and attentive to people, honest and prudent. So I’ll try to do my best to develop my personality this way.

6. All students of our academy study one foreign language and Latin. English is to help us communicate with our foreign colleges and comprehend English and American professional literature. Latin is considered to be the basis of international medical terminology.

7. Medical student study six years. When your final exams have been passed, you get a diploma of a qualified specialist.

8. Some students keep studying and enter post-graduate courses to follow an academic career.

9. Choosing a career and getting a job are two things any person does in his lifetime.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 414 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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