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Task 13. Read Part 3 of the interview. Decide which of these statements Saladin would agree with

1 Information on websites should be divided into small sections.

2 Long sections can be a problem for users who want to print from a website.

3 It's a bad idea to have a lot of links to other sites.

4 You want users to bookmark your site as a way to get to other sites.

5 Your website should start with a brief piece of information to attract the reader.

Task 14. a) Put these pieces of advice about website design into two sets: A (things to do) and В (things not to do).

1 Include graphics only to make it look nice.

2 Divide information into small sections.

3 Have pages with dead-ends.

4 Have a lot of links to other sites.

5 Have a lot of links on one page.

6 Start with a brief piece of information to attract the reader.

7 Forget about readers with less sophisticated browsers.

b) Give advice about website design using has/have to, must, and mustn't.

A: things to do

1 Divide information into small sections.

2 Have a lot of links to other sites.

3 Start with a brief piece of information to attract the reader.

4 Update your page regularly.

B: things not to do

1 Have a lot of links on one page.

2 Include graphics only to make it look nice.

3 Forget about readers with less sophisticated browsers.

4 Have pages with dead-ends


Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 735 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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