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Task 10. Fill in the blanks choosing from the variants given

1. During … execution,the computer performs each instruction in the order it appears – the first instruction in the program is executed first, then the second instruction, and so on, to the last instruction in the program.

a) random b) sequential c) direct d) reverse

2. The main... of procedural paradigm is that it forces programmers to view problems as a series of steps, whereas some problems might better be visualized as interacting objects or as interrelated words, concepts, and ideas.

a) benefit b) advantage c) drawback d) downside

3. The fact that algorithms are usually written in a format that is not specific to a particular programming language allows you … on formulating a correct algorithm.

a) to concentrate b) to focus c) to distract

4. The traditional approach to programming uses a procedural paradigm to conceptualize the … a problem as a sequence of steps.

a) problem b) decision c) solution

5. The algorithm for calculating checking account balances is the same, regardless of the amounts … and.....

a) invested, placed, deposited b) drawn out, withdrawn, taken away

6. Procedural languages are well suited for problems that can be easily solved with … algorithm.

a) chain b) linear c) parallel

7. For complex programs, a walkthrough might consist of a... presentation to a group of programmers who can help identify logical errors in the algorithm and suggest ways to make the algorithm more efficient.

a) written b) graphical c) verbal

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 939 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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