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Exercise 6. Read the words

· Pay attention to the stress in nouns and adjectives.

`atom – a`tomic, `organ – or`ganic, `metal – me`tallic, `period – peri`odic, e`conomy – eco`nomic, `science – scien`tific, `element – ele`mentary, `industry – in`dustrial, a`cademy – aca`demic, `strategy – stra`tegic, ge`ography – geo`graphic, meteo`rology – meteoro`logical, ge`ology – geo`logical

· Read the words. Pay attention to the stress in verbs and nouns.

`educate – edu`cation, `graduate – gradu`ation, `demonstrate – demon`stration, `illustrate – illust`ration, `indicate – indi`cation, `concentrate – concen`tration, com`municate – communi`cation, in`vestigate – investi`gation

Exercise 7. Make verbs ending in –en, –ify, –ize from the following words. Translate them.

–en: length, strength, height, light, wide, broad, bright, hard, weak, thick, dark

ify: solid, pure, simple, intense, electric, quality

–ize: magnet, revolution, organ, crystal, character, special, active, real, economy, energy

Exercise 8. For questions 1-8 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

If you are (0)…… interested… INTEREST
in the life of birds you should know that birds do not …..(1) USUAL
fly very high and we can ……(2)see them EASY
flying from the ground. A lot of birds when on …….(3) MIGRATE
fly from 100 to 400 metres high as the ……..(4)shows. Some EQUIP
birds, like penguins, cannot fly, but they are good ……..(5) SWIM
and good ……..(6)too. JUMP
They ……….(7)jump into and QUICK
out of water and they look so ……(8)when they walk. FUN

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1319 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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