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Physiology of Respiratory System

The respiratory system is responsible for supplying our body with oxygen. It does this by enriching blood with oxygen every time we take a breath. It also removes carbon dioxide, which is a waste gas harmful for our bodies.

We breathe oxygen through the mouth or nose, which warm up the gas and moisten it before it enters the rest of the body. The oxygen then travels through the larynx (voice box) and down the trachea (windpipe) into two bronchi, which are branch-like tissues that enter the lungs. Cilia, which are very fine hairs, grow in the larynx, trachea and bronchi. These hairs are coated with mucus that captures any germs and pollutants that are in the air we breathe before it enters the lungs. This foreign matter is then expelled from the body through swallowing, coughing or sneezing.

Once oxygen enters the lungs, it's sent to the rest of the body's organs and tissues through a network of blood vessels. These blood vessels also capture carbon dioxide emitted by the tissues as a metabolic waste.

Blood is delivered around the body through a network of arteries, veins and blood vessels. The pulmonary artery delivers oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. It sends blood containing carbon dioxide to the alveoli, which expel the gas through exhalation. The alveoli replace the carbon dioxide with oxygen through inhalation. This oxygen-rich blood then travels to the heart, which pumps it to the rest of the body. The 2 major respiratory gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide, are transported through the body in the blood. Blood plasma has the ability to transport some dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide, but most of the gases transported in the blood are bonded to transport molecules. Hemoglobin is an important transport molecule found in red blood cells that carries almost 99% of the oxygen in the blood.

When one breathes normally not all the alveoli and capillaries of the lungs are opened. When respiration becomes deep, the number of the opened alveoli and capillaries increases. The flow of blood into the lungs increases when one breathes in and it decreases when one breathes out.

Exercise 6. Answer the questions:

1. What is the respiratory system responsible for?

2. What is carbon dioxide?

3. What is the function of the nose?

4. What is the nasal cavity covered with?

5. What do the cilia do?

6. How do people expel foreign matters from the respiratory tract?

7. What is the process of enriching all parts of the body with oxygen?

8. What is the main molecule responsible for transportation of oxygen throughout the body?

9. When does the number of opened alveoli increase and decrease?

Exercise 7. Translate the word-combinations in bold type into English:

1. The дихальна system is відповідає за supplying our body with oxygen.

2. We вдихаємо oxygen through the mouth or nose, which розігрівають the gas and зволожують it before it потрапляє до решти організму.

3. Жмутики вкриті слиззю, яка заполює мікроби та забруднюючі речовини that are in the air we breathe.

4. Коли кисень потрапляє до легень, it's sent to the rest of the body's organs and tissues через мережу кровоносних судин.

5. Blood plasma має здатність транспортувати розчинений кисень and carbon dioxide, but most of the gases transported in the blood приєднані до транспортних молекул.

6. Гемоглобін - це важлива транспортна молекула, яка знаходиться в червоних клітинах крові that carries almost 99% of the oxygen in the blood.

7. Потік крові до легень збільшується when one breathes in and зменшується when one breathes out.

Exercise 8. Match the word-combinations in English with their equivalents in Ukrainian:

1. to remove a waste gas harmful for the body 2. to supply body with the vital gas 3. to expel foreign matters 4. to coat with mucus 5. to breathe in pure oxygen 6. to breathe out pollutants through sneezing 7. to capture germs 8. to bond to iron containing molecule 1. вкривати слиззю 2. скріплюватися з залізовмісною молекулою 3. схоплювати мікроби 4. виводити шкідливий для організму газ 5. видихати забруднюючі речовини через чихання 6. виділяти інородні речовини 7. забезпечувати тіло життєвим газом 8. вдихати чистий кисень

Exercise 9. Match the terms with their definitions:

1. germ   2. cilium   3. pulmonary artery   4. hemoglobin   5. plasma   6. pollutant   7. respiratory system a) the straw-colored liquid component of blood which makes up about 55% of the total blood volume; b) a substance that pollutes, especially a chemical or similar substance that is produced as a waste product of an industrial process; c) the system by which oxygen is taken into the body and where an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place; in mammals the system includes the nasal passages, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs; d) a microscopic hairline process extending from the surface of a cell or unicellular organism; e) the oxygen-carrying pigment of red blood cells that gives them their red color and serves to convey oxygen to the tissues; f) a very small living thing that causes a disease; g) an artery that carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs.

Exercise 10. Fill in prepositions from the box below where necessary:

through; to; as; in; for; with; from; into

1....… humans the compound used to transport oxygen is known...… hemoglobin.

2. Hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein …… red blood cells that is responsible …… transporting oxygen ….. the tissues and removing carbon dioxide ….. them.

3. …… the lungs, hemoglobin, known for its deep red color, reacts ….. oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin.

4. Oxyhemoglobin travels ……. the bloodstream to cells, where it breaks down to form hemoglobin and oxygen, and the oxygen then passes into cells.

5. On the way back, hemoglobin combines ….. carbon dioxide to form carbaminohemoglobin, an unstable compound that, once again, breaks down and releases …… the surrounding environment.

Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps with the words and word-combinations from the box:

store; CO2; less than three minutes; for a long time; longer tolerance; one minute's duration; nine minutes; 214 meters

Mechanism of respiration

Under normal conditions, humans cannot …… much oxygen in the body. Apnea (зупинка дихання) of more than ……. leads to severe lack of oxygen in the blood circulation. Permanent brain damage can occur after …….. and death will ensue (починатися) after a few more minutes unless ventilation is restored.

Untrained humans cannot sustain voluntary apnea for more than one or two minutes. The reason for this is that the rate of breathing and the volume of each breath are tightly regulated to maintain constant values of CO2 tension and pH of the blood. In apnea, …….. is not removed through the lungs and accumulates in the blood.

When a person is immersed (занурений) in water, physiological changes due to the mammalian diving reflex (рефлекс пірнання ссавців) enable somewhat …….. of apnea even in untrained persons. Tolerance can be trained. World-class divers can hold their breath underwater up to depths of ……. and for more than ……... Apneists, in this context, are people who can hold their breath for a long time.

Exercise 12. Approve or contradict the following statements:

1. The respiratory system is responsible for supplying our body with oxygen and it also removes carbon dioxide, which is a waste gas useful for our bodies.

2. Our nose warms, moisturizes, and filters air we breathe in.

3. All foreign matters are expelled from the body through swallowing, talking or sneezing.

4. Blood vessels release carbon dioxide emitted by the tissues as a metabolic waste.

5. The coronary artery delivers oxygen and removes carbon dioxide.

6. Deoxygenated blood travels to the heart, which pumps it to the rest of the body.

7. When respiration becomes deep, the number of the closed alveoli and capillaries increases.

Exercise 13. Arrange the following statements in the correct order to explain the term “respiration”:

___Respiration takes place in the lungs.

___Respiratory system is a biological system consisting of specific organs and structures used for the process of respiration.

___The anatomical structures of the respiratory system include trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lungs, and diaphragm.

___This system is involved in the intake and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between an organism and the environment.

___Molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged by diffusion. This exchange process occurs in the alveoli air sacs in the lungs.

Exercise 14. Arrange the following statements in the correct order to explain the term “alveolus”:

____Found in the lung parenchyma, alveoli are the ends of the respiratory tree.

___A typical pair of human lungs contains about 700 million alveoli.

___Alveoli are the place of gaseous exchange.

___Each alveolus is closely surrounded by capillaries.

___An alveolus is an anatomical structure of the respiratory system that has the form of a hollow cavity.

Exercise 15. Arrange the following statements in the correct order to explain the term “carbon dioxide”:

___It is produced as a waste product of respiration of all aerobic organisms.

___In humans carbon dioxide is carried through the venous system and is breathed out through the lungs.

___Hemoglobin, the main oxygen-carrying molecule in red blood cells, carries both oxygen and carbon dioxide.

___Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas vital to life on Earth.

___Human body produces approximately 1.0 kg of carbon dioxide per day, containing 300 g of carbon.

Exercise 16. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Infinitives:

1. To identify the virus causing human influenza serologic tests are made.

2. Tuberculin seems to have no value in prevention of tuberculosis.

3. The tumor to be removed is benign.

4. I remember to have been prescribed this ointment for skin irritation.

5. The surgeon took a scalpel to make a midline abdominal incision.

6. The old man was too weak to be operated on and the doctor decided to postpone the operation.

7. N.I. Pirogov was the first to use ether anesthesia during operations.

8. We had to take the newly admitted patient for an operation immediately to prevent the rupture of the appendix.

Exercise 17. Translate into English paying attention to the use of the Infinitive:

1. Щоб виписати цього хворого ми повинні мати всі аналізи.

2. Жінка вирішила зробити операцію, щоб позбавитися шраму на обличчі.

3. Ось той хворий, якому терміново потрібно зробити рентген.

4. Він буде останнім, кто дізнається про цю страшну подію.

5. Щоб видалити зуб, треба спочатку зробити місцеве знеболювання.

6. Студенти раділи, що їм учора показали операцію на серці.

7. Він першим прийшов до операційної.

8. Молодому лікарю було важко поставити діагноз.

Exercise 18. Read the sentences and open the brackets in the correct tense and voice. Translate them into your native language:

1. The treatment, the patient (to begin) two weeks before, is quite ineffective.

2. The condition of the patient we are treating already (to become) better.

3. The scientist already (to include) the method of determining the origin of the pulmonary disease in his research.

4. The faculty where my brother studies (to train) pediatricians.

5. Patient Kirichenko (to bring) the findings of his blood analysis in 1 hour.

6. My brother (to prepare) for the exams now.

7. The pulmonary artery (to deliver) oxygen and (to remove) carbon dioxide.

8. Foreign matters (to expel) from the body through swallowing, coughing or sneezing.

Exercise 19. Make up interrogative sentences to the underlined words:

1. The right lung consists of three lobes.

2. Each lung is enclosed in a membranous sac, or pleura.

3. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported through the body in the blood.

4. Blood plasma has the ability to transport dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide.

5. When respiration becomes deep the number of closed alveoli and capillaries increases.

6. Students will be delivered a lecture on physiology of respiration in 2 days.

7. Cilia grow in the larynx, trachea and bronchi.

8. The oxygen travels through the larynx and down the trachea into two bronchi.

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