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Exercise 3. Remember the rules of word-building in the English language. Translate them into Ukrainian

a) form the Nouns with the help of suffix – th from the adjectives: deep, strong, warm, wide, wealthy, healthy, long

b) form the Nouns with the help of suffix – cy from the adjectives: urgent, efficient, frequent, private, legal, accurate, adequate

c) form the Adjectives with the help of suffix – ous from the nouns: delirium, cancer, fiber, infection, poison, vein

Exercise 4. Read the word combinations with the new words and translate them into Ukrainian:

Erythrocyte: erythrocyte deformation; erythrocyte of normal size; erythrocyte sedimentation rate; sickle erythrocyte.

Hemoglobin: total hemoglobin; hemoglobin test; hemoglobin breakdown; adult hemoglobin.

Leukocyte: total leukocyte count; peripheral blood leukocytes; cancer of leukocytes; types of leukocytes.

Platelet: absolute platelet count; anti-platelet therapy; platelet clot; platelet coagulant activity.

Solution: aqueous solution; alcohol solution; nutrient solution; saline solution.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the word combinations into your native language:

A person's blood stream, to float in blood plasma, to be formed in the bone marrow, to be responsible for blood clotting, blood's liquid medium, straw-yellow in color, circulate dissolved nutrients, proteins bound to plasma, universal receivers, to lead to blood clumping or agglutination, to cause toxic reactions, to be awarded the Nobel Prize, to classify blood groups, presence or absence of certain protein molecules, inheritance, to obstruct blood vessels and stop the circulation, fatal consequences, donated blood, universal donors.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 421 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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