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Taxation and tax system

Taxation is the process by which the people pay the expenses of carrying on the government. Many kinds of taxes are used in the world. The main taxes can be divided into taxes paid on income and capital, called “direct” taxes and those paid when money is spent, called “indirect” taxes. Indirect taxes are paid on goods and services.

The taxes are paid by the shops or manufactures, but then passed on to the consumers in the form of higher prices. The advantage of this tax is that it is directly in line with inflation. If the prices rise, so does the tax.

TAX a rate or sum of money levied upon assets or real property (property tax), or income derived from wages, etc. (income tax), or upon the sale or purchase of goods (sales tax).

VALUE ADDED TAX is a tax imposed upon the difference between the cost of an asset to the taxpayer and the present fair market value of such asset; a tax based on a percentage of the value of the property subject to taxation, as opposed to a specific tax, which is a fixed sum applied to all of a certain class of articles.

INCOME TAX is imposed upon income received which is recognized for tax purposes by the taxpayers, reduced by the allowable deduction and credits.

PROPERTY TAX generally, tax imposed by municipalities upon owners of property within their jurisdiction based upon the value of such property.

SALES TAX a tax generally imposed by state or local government on the sale of certain items that are generally not for resale.

UNIFIED ESTATE AND GIFT TAX in the USA a federal tax imposed upon the net value of an estate and on gifts of certain amounts. The transferor is liable for the gift taxes but if the transferor fails to pay the gift tax, the transferee may be held liable for its payment.

1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What is a tax?

2. What is Value Added Tax imposed upon?

3. What Income Tax imposed upon?

4. What tax is paid based upon the value of property?

5. What happens if the transferor fails to pay the gift tax?

2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:

Налог, сумма денег, взимаемая с…, налог на доход, налог на собственность, налог с продаж, налог на добавленную стоимость, налог накладывается на…, рыночная стоимость, налогоплательщик, владельцы собственности, единый налог на наследование и дарение.

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