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Forms of businesses in the USA

Businesses in the U.S.A. may be organized in one of the following forms: individual business, general partnership, limited partnership, corporation, alien corporation.

An individual business is owned by one person.

A general partnership has got several owners. They all are liable for debts and they share in the profits.

A limited partnership has got at least one general owner and one or more other owners. They have only a limited investment and a limited liability.

A corporation is owned by persons, called stockholders. The stockholders usually have certificates showing the number of shares which they own. The stockholders elect a director or directors to operate the corporation. Most corporations are closed corporations, with only a few stockholders. Other corporations are owned by many stockholders who buy and sell their shares at will. Usually they have little interest inmanagement of the corporations.

Alien corporations are corporations of foreign countries.

All the corporations are to receive their charters from the state authorities. The charters state all the powers of the corporation. Many corporations try to receive their charters from the authorities of the State of Delaware, though they operate in other states. They prefer the State of Delawarebecause the laws are liberal there and the taxation is rather low. Such corporations, which receive their charters from an outside state, are called foreign corporations.

All the corporations require a certificate to do business in the state where they prefer to operate.

1. Скажите, что говорится в тексте о:

individual businesses

general partnerships

limited partnerships


alien corporations foreign corporations charters and certificates

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1698 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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