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Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. They are … engineers.

a) a b) the c) - d) some

2. Have you got … milk?

a) the b) a c) any d) some

3. There are …. books in the bookcase.

a) the b) a c) any d) some

4. You can buy aspirin at a …

a) chemist b) baker c) greengrocer d) flourist

5. You can’t buy vegetables at a ….

a) food market b) greengrocer c) supermarket d) baker

6. You can ride a …

a) bus b) train c) bicycle d) ferry

7. You can take a ….

a) car b) plane c) bicycle d) horse

8. Where is John? – He’s at … home.

a) - b) a c) the d) an

9. … office where she works is next to the restaurant.

a) a b) the c) - d) an

10. Where is Sam? – He’s in the bathroom. …….

a) He has a shower. b) He having a shower. c) He is having a shower. d) He does have a shower.

11. Rome is in … Italy.

a) a b) the c) an d) –

12. Can you knit? – No, I …

a) can b) cannot c) can’t d) can not

13. What are you doing?

a) I am writing a letter. b) I writing a letter. c) I write a letter. d) I am write a letter.

14. Every day I do…

a) the cinema b) music c) the washing up d) the bed

15. On Sundays they meet…

a) dinner b) friends c) a concert d) a party

16. There are a lot of people on the bus. The bus is …

a) cheap b) slow c) crowded d) far

17. I usually get to University … car.

a) on b) in c) by d) at

18. I don’t like this book. It’s ….

a) attractive b) ugly c) lovely d) boring

19. There are often … in shops.

a) queues b) food c) malls d) check-out

20. You can take a train home from a …

a) taxi rank b) car park c) newsagent d) railway station

21. Can you … a computer?

a) use b) knit c) type d) ski

22. How long does it take you to get to University? - …….

a) It takes me ten minutes. b) It takes me some money. c) It takes me home. d) It takes me by bus.

23. How far is it? - ……..

a) Three pounds, it’s expensive. b) It’s about three kilometers. c) I go by bus. d) It takes thirty minutes.

24. We usually go out … Friday evening.

a) in b) on c) at d) by

25. I usually go out with my friends at the weekend, but today I’m home. I …….

a) watch TV b) watching TV c) am watch TV d) am watching TV

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 288 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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