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Hereford is a small market town in the west of England. The High Street is very short with a big square at the end of it called High Town. There are a lot of attractive shops in High Town and there are no cars. You can visit the beautiful Old House which is a museum in the middle of High Town.

There is a post office behind the Old House opposite the bookshop. There is a bank with a cash machine opposite the library in Broad Street. There is an indoor food market in High Town between Gromond Street and Widemarsh Street. Behind the market is a small shopping mall called Maylord Orchards. There is a big chemist’s shop is the High Street opposite the newsagent’s. At the end of Church Street there is a small park and the cathedral. In Broad Street, on the same side of the road as the library, is a very good hotel and restaurant called The Green Dragon.

The tourist information office is on the corner of Broad Street and King Street opposite the library. Wednesday is market day and the town is very busy. There is a big market out of the town centre where you can buy all sorts of things. There is also a cattle market where they sell cows, sheep and pigs.

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is Hereford?

2. What is High Town?

3. Are there cars there?

4. What is there in the middle of High Town?

5. Where is the bank?

6. What is there between Gromond Street and Widemarsh Street?

7. What is Maylord Orchards?

8. Where is the cathedral?

9. What is The Green Dragon?

10. When is market day?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 589 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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